Sunday, July 31, 2005

Now Serving In The Trillions! Posted by Picasa

Listening For The Approaching Thunder!

This past week has been spent in working far above the earth. Muscles that have not been truly "used" in ten years have sought to function as they did on the Hilton project in Rapid City. Reminders of which parts of my body have grown stagnant with disuse now bear witness daily to how sedentary my life style has become. Preachers, piano players, poets, and songwriters just don't spend enough time in physical trials to keep up with the increasing demands of a body that is aging. Social security is something I can remember family members looking forward to fifty years ago. Today, my prospects for receiving something back on 40 years of investment in the system are pathetic. Thank God I've invested well in my spiritual security! I'm not going to do a thing on the system here, that would not be any more profitable than that monthly check I may be able to draw one day(right now it wouldn't even cover the taxes on the home I'm living in).
A friend passing through on his way to the Blackhills Motorcyce Classic spent a few days with me this week. In the process of having breakfast this morning Richard shared this card. I immediately recognized the potential it had for topic material and scanned the thing in. I suppose there is something that can be said to the negative side of all these bits and pieces of information we glean from living, but this one just insisted on being shared today. I leave here tomorrow to begin what will be several weeks of intensive ministry on the road. The work will not be physically demanding as the activities of this past week were, but it will tax the temper of my spirit, and in that area I find myself exceedingly fit. Excercising the spiritual side of our triune nature is essential if you and I are going to live up to the challenges our Lord laid before us when He ascended into heaven. I suppose the easiest way to get through this life is to not worry about it and let somebody else take care of reaching the lost in our world. That's a thought I don't entertain for even a moment, because it isn't someone else's duty, it is mine! And it is the sworn duty of every person who is a member of the Crusader's for Christ that are gathering in Sturgis as I tap out this message. And it is the duty of the members of the Bond Slaves as they ride the roads in this direction in preparation for making a "difference" in the lives of others. Right there on site in the normally sleepy little burg of Sturgis churches are preparing themselves feverishly during these last days before the full scale assault takes place. Some who are there the whole year through are getting ready to fling their doors open wide once again. Others are preparing to lock and bar the doors for a few weeks! The list of Christian clubs on the way to western South Dakota is staggering. Many individuals will be coming up the drive and passing by our door as they roll through seeking to focus on the Great Commission as it pertains to their personal spiritual security. I don't believe you will ever see so many workers in one place all striving for the same goals as you can witness the next few weeks. Just in case you're curious, there are four accessible web cams in Sturgis operating 24\7 that you can tap into to check out what is going on. But the "real" work, is the same as it was this beautiful Sunday morning in every Bible believing church. Servants of Christ (Yeshua) helping others along the road to a very rewarding retirement, were rejoicing in the eternal hope of salvation. I pray this is a good day for you! If you have a moment say a prayer for all the bikers out there moving toward a modern day mecca of revival and renewal. Things are heating up on the highways. South Dakota is about to more than double it's number of residents for the next several weeks. The fields are "white unto harvest" and it is time, once again, to listen for the sound of distant trumpets announcing the arrival of heralds heaven has called forth to proclaim the acceptable day of the Lord once more! In Christ's Love, Preacher.

One Thing No Life Should Be Without! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 29, 2005

When Did My Life Begin?

"Life is such a gift," I can hear Dorothy saying tonight, as she says her prayers and quietly drifts off to sleep. She's been falling asleep on the same farm for over 90 years.
Virgil, her son, lives with her and does the driving for both of them these days. He also does the bulk of the lawnwork and takes care of the other chores on the family farm. He's retired now, and has plenty of time for his mom, who cared for him much the same way he now cares for her 60 some years ago. That's a part of the world we can visit out here on the plains that I haven't got a clue where else it exists. Maybe it doesn't anymore. Perhaps that has passed into history along with so many other bits and pieces of the "American Way of Life." I'd like to believe that in our ever changing world, there are some things that don't change. Right at this very moment there is only one that comes to mind, our God. That is enough! Perhaps that is one of the reasons I struggle so hard with acceptance of new considerations concerning the nature of God. God's nature has never changed. In my opinion, only our perceptions of God have changed.
I have read that our "English" language is the most difficult in the world to learn. That's because so many words mean so many different things(as if this is something new). The reason that English is so difficult is because we "borrow" all things from all languages and mix them together in a large pot and then spew them back out at a rate of speed I wish my computer printer had. Top that off with the number of words coming into fashion as common usage, and the words that are added due to the never ending needs as evidenced by technolgical advances, and you have an "ever changing" constantly evolving language.
My hope is that I might point out some similarities between how we use words and how we view life. In a world in which we do everything possible to save the life of one child if possible, we also condemn another to death without so much as an afterthought. We use the words to take away the sting associated with our actions, and this becomes easier with each new day.
When do we begin to give thanks for the wonderful gift of life? Obviously I've gotten myself in much further than I can follow up with tonight, but there is a point at which the "gift" of life is bestowed upon each of us, that precise moment we can understand without too many words, it is a "conception." God bless, Preacher!

Beginnings & Endings Posted by Picasa

I can see across the earth people praying in other lands. In our country today I have a hunch someone would have them arrested!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

What I Have Learned From 'Puters

Thus far(I began "using" 10-10-04)I have learned that most people do not give a rip for "how" it works, "why" it works, only that it works the way they expect it to and keeps on doing it day after day after day. Dependability, that is the key to success in the computer industry of the 21st century! I guess I had already learned this lesson during my early years, but some things evolve over time, and the lessons, although appearing to be new, really aren't. I suspect that the very first time the wheel was brought into focus as a means of transportation there were folks who were concerned about how to make it more useful, and overall, "better!" Now we get to the other side of the coin. There have always been those in our midst, for whom, no matter how "good" it gets, it's just not good enough. These can be subdivided into the ones who are working on it and the ones who are whining on it. We probably need both, but, personally, I could do with fewer of the latter. That's just me, though, and is not indicative of any general attitudes that others may share.
Now, if we place this type of thinking at the forefront of our perceptions of God, we come to a realization, that the lessons of life repeat themselves consistently. And isn't that what everyone wants, consistency? They do, and they don't, and that is perhaps why we spend so much time trying to "pigeon hole" our Creator in such a way that He becomes subject to our pleas(whinings). Have you ever wondered why God hasn't stepped forth the past couple thousand years to let us know how we're doing? The truth is, He has, He does, and He is, every day, but we aren't always tuned to the same frequency. It's a little like my favorite rock station on FM, there are some places where reception is just terrible. That's one of the small prices we pay for living on the Great American Desert. So with the advent of this new tool we have for the sharing of images and instantaneous communication across the face of the globe we end up so focused on what's out there, that we find it hard to turn about and look within ourselves for answers to the qusetions of life. God is busy about the continuance of creation just as surely as I'm tapping this out for publication on the blog thing(I haven't go a clue how that all works), and you and I need only take a deep breath and look "within" ourselves to perceive the presence of God in our lives. The next time you notice that the wheels aren't turning as well as you think they should(ie a flat tire), try pumping up the flat side of life with the spritual side of life, and learn just how nicely things can "roll" along. God bless, Preacher!

"I think that I'm going to put one of these on the front of the house." Not the Cornpalace, A Web Cam! Posted by Picasa

I Tend To Appreciate Most The Things That Are Real! Posted by Picasa

Planning For The Big Day That's Coming?

It really looks quite nice, and I'll bet it would be a lot of fun to go for a ride in this replica of the Morgan family of race cars. I don't know if it would feel like the original, but then, nothing ever does! We live in a world of enhancement. Black and white movies deemed by some to be "classics" become colored films, and music that was recorded 50 years ago is digitally remastered to make it sound and feel better. Everywhere you look we have the new and improved version of everything, and in the midst of upgrading we sometimes go to a lot of effort to make the new look like the old, at least on the outside. Some of the circles I travel in are all about the retro thing, and that's cool, as long as we remember that somethings are great just the way they are, and that is another reason why you and I have to keep our wits about us if we're going to shine the bright light of understanding on the "new" ideas that are attaining some measure of religious acceptance. There is nothing new under the sun, and everything that we are going through today, someone has gone through before us. My personal adventure into the land of technological advances began last October, and continues to this very moment, but I have to admit, even with all of the stuff we've managed to learn, we're still using the same tools to learn it! Our minds are as they have always been, and we as a people are prone to being fooled. There are times when it seems that is what we desire most, to be lied to. Maybe it takes some of the responsibility away from you and me personally when we can say, "I guess I was fooled." This is putting it in simple language, but I do believe that is probably what Adam told God when asked about the apple, and Eve too, for that matter! Now, for the part where it gets really sticky. We just may be raising up a whole generation that is so used to being fooled everywhere they look that they never do find anything that is real and tangible in life. That would be a sad occurrence, indeed, but it may be happening right now where you live. Surely if this, "Living in the virtual world" is out here on the plains of Dakota, it is happening everywhere else in the country and has been for some time. I'm not attempting to put a bone in anyone's ice cream here, I just thought that you might like to know that the kids aren't playing outdoors like they used to, and the number of bicycles on the streets are down every year from what they were previously. I guess that's because you can actually ride one on the video screen and pedal anywhere in the world without leaving the comfort of your couch, or working up a sweat. I know, that's the way it is these days, but I fear where it is taking us. Not for myself, mind you, but for where things are going to be in another 50 years if they continue to change as rapidly as the last 50. I guess I'm just thinking on screen, again. I actually suggested we put together a softball team and challenge one of the other churches to play a game on Sunday. Many thought it might be nice, as long as it did not interfere with the televised sports event they had planned to watch, and then there was the interruption in life for practice. Well, needless to say, everyone agreed it was a "nice" idea and that maybe "someday" we could do "something" like that, maybe a movie together.
God bless, Preacher.

In South Dakota We Have Lots Of Auto Shows Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

We can't rewrite truth, any more than we can rewrite history. The truth is that every person must choose for themselves! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I Believe This Is A Positive Message

If you start off your reading by scrolling down and looking at the photo that follows this piece you will get a better understanding(at least that's the thought I had before I got my timing backwards)of my direction tonight! A church, in what appears to be the middle of nowhere! Is that what you see, also? I looked at it for a long time before taking it in. The first thing that got my attention were the lovely colors in the sky, and then the lonliness of the house caught me, and on examination I discovered the tiniest of crosses on the roof at what must be the front, and where I have a hunch there are double doors to facilitate entries and exits. Then I had a vision of where the church is in the world in which I reside. Not the big, gaudy, overdone sprawling complex that has parking lots filled to overflowing on Sunday mornings, the "real" church, the "Body of Christ." Under attack in more ways than I care to think about here, the church is in a period of decline, the one of the "true" Bible believing "way." The picture puts me in mind of something an artist might paint as a depiction of emotions that surround the anonymity of God's people. Almost rebuilding at a distance from the civilized world on purpose. A passive attempt to rekindle the flame of faith that appears to falter as if blown on by the permissive passsions of 21st century America. A location far enough from the real world that the doors can be thrown open without fear of what may wander in to continue the unrelenting assault on morality and christian sanity. It is my contention that there are a lot of really good folks out there that have given up on the church because they see it going the way of the world. Thus is begun a spiral(think of that swirl in your toilet bowl), the more people see the church faltering in faith as it concedes one after another of the major conflicting moral viewpoints present in our American society, the less they see it as a place of trust. A history in the writing actually, in the past 25 years many of the headliners, those in the forefront of media coverage, have fallen prey to human failings and gotten themselves busted bigtime! That allowed everyone else to stand around pointing fingers and guffawing at the folks of faith. What people want to think, they will think, but the church has not gone away, the real one I mean. It has just retreated! The church is alive and well, and trying to regain the ground that has been taken. It may take another generation, and a great awakening in our country for individuals to start seeing the ruin that present trends are leading toward. I must state that God is busy about the business of setting apart a "remnant" of His people. Think about this for just a moment. This is exactly what God has always done with humankind, "preserved a portion unto Himself." If you wonder where the "believers" are, you may have to look a little harder these days to find them, but please, know that we are here, and if sought, can be found, just like God! There are gatherings where our Lord and Savior is worshipped in the fullness of God's grace every Sunday with as much emphasis on remaining faithful as on redeeming the lost. It's all a part of a plan that I haven't the capacity to comprehend. I do know, though, it is good to stand firm with my brothers and sisters in the peace of my Savior which passes all understanding. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

What Is A Church Doing Way Out Here? Posted by Picasa

Even On The Darkest Of Days The Sun Is Shining Brightly Somewhere! Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 25, 2005

Okay, I'm Posting The Picture. How Does This Relate To A Paradigm Of Sin In People's Lives? Posted by Picasa

Thinking Through The True Cause Of Sin In Our World!

Rain is falling on the area of the Great American Desert where I reside. It started with a soft, gentle shower, just a light outpouring of summer nurture. By late this afternoon it had turned into an unrelenting steady, bitter cold, large drop affair. Not a good one to be motoring about in on two wheels. This precipitated(don't you just love puns)my using a car to run over to the market this evening. While at the market a young man stopped me and asked which sin he was missing, and then swiftly proceeded to tell the six he was sure of. Anger, envy, greed, gluttony, pride, laziness, and he looked at me awaiting the seventh. Lust, of course, is the correct answer, but I couldn't just leave it at that and continued to explain that our "lust" comes from the latin "luxuria" or as we might term it today, luxury, which would mean that by today's standards one man's lust is another man's luxury! It was meant as a sort of joke, but the intent was such that the young man headed off with more questions than he came with, which made me stop to think, is it just possible that the reason for the slurring of meanings is the result of the seductive side of sin itself. We don't just wake up one morning and decide to go out and do 3 or 4 before lunch, we, in our humaness, are quite literally seduced by the sin before the commission. We "entertain" the thought, give it permission to wander in many of the directions it can take, and then "justify" our own seduction and subsequent giving in to the desire. Now the whole process of each of the seven sins has set my mind to working on the difficulty we have with avoidance. None of us in our faith walk wish to be caught up in any of the sinful acts available to us. In fact most folks quite purposefully try very hard not to sin. Even those who are not christian follow a set of moral guidelines that they have chosen for themselves in one way or another. So the way that I'm looking at it right now is, "The act or deed(sin) is secondary to the seduction that precedes it, and that is the "thing" we need to be wary of. Sin itself is more or less unavoidable, but being aware of the seduction at it's inception could make an enormous difference in how we act on the impulses created by that seductive process." The bait in most traps is never aquired, because after we realize we've been trapped we're like that rodent that desires the cheese attached to a spring mechanism, dead! The other scenario is one in which we don't want the bait anymore because we realize we're trapped. Just had to think this through a bit "on screen" and then I can reread later to see if I'm making any sense. There is an escape from the trap, too. That is, if you aren't dead already as a result of the seduction! It's the forgiveness that is found through faith in God's Son, my Savior. If you know you've been seduced, seek God's help, He's particularly well versed when it comes to the problems that sin can create. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

I love to see the dogs happy! Posted by Picasa

Christ Came That All Might Have Life More Abundant! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Possibilities For Doing Good In Our World Are Endless!

Receiving a lot of pictures from friends can have drawbacks. The most obvious is wondering where and when they were taken. My brother-in law, Tom, was just getting home from a week in Yellowstone this evening when he called. I didn't even know he was away from home! He and his wife went on vacation, just the two of them, for the first time in years, I'm assuming. They did Yellowstone from Montana, up around the Livingston area where the northern gateway is located. It's a beautiful journey, and one that is best when done on two wheels. They didn't make it way up north to Glacier National, but Tom said they'd be going back when they have more time. There are places I haven't visited in years that when I think about them I get the urge to dig out the photo albums and reminisce for awhile. Then there are the places that I've never been, only read about, that I would enjoy getting to visit one day. Forty years of traveling around the country(that includes Mexico and Canada)have left me fairly well versed when it comes to places people I come across are headed. Right now across the lower 48 the motorcycle enthusiasts from every walk of life are getting ready for the "Run To The Fun" in Sturgis, SD. One week from now the highway that runs past our home will rumble day and night with westward bound bikers. This year I won't be listening to them for long because I'll be heading that direction, as well. For ten days we'll be working the rally with an evangelistic outreach. A sort of modern day version of the Third Crusade, only we won't be seeking to free the Holy Land, we'll be establishing an unarmed camp in the center of Babylon(that's my pet name for Sturgis during the rally). Once again, as has been done for the past 15 years, a Gospel revival geared to seeking the lost and proclaiming to all the heathen world the "Saving Grace" of our Lord will be put in motion. It never ceases to amaze me how much press all the "bad" stuff that goes on gets. I guess that is because the worse it is the more people want to see it and read about it. That makes for a lot of money that changes hands in the world of mass media. So, when the happening out west hits the television and magazines, I would like for everyone to know one very important fact. Right in the midst of the chaos there are people being saved from the horrible fate of death eternal. If possible I'll blog from mainstreet this year along with pictures of the "stuff." If you are one of the believers out there that has time for a few prayers add the pastors, evangelists, celebrities, and the rest of us musicians to your list. We're going to need all the help we can get, and then some. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Some Things Are Not As They Appear, Others It All Depends On Where You're Standing! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bloom Where You're Planted! Posted by Picasa

Some Things To Do Before It Gets Really Hot!

One dozen long stemmed roses blossomed into short lived glory last night and this morning very early. I considered taking pictures of them as I have with so many others that have come to rest in our home, but this time I couldn't. Our patio and backyard are filled with flowers of every imaginable color, and those I will be taking pictures of, the living works of art that decorate our lives but for a season. Cheryl has a garden filled with perenials that are fast becoming thirsty enough to walk to the house and turn on the water. That's my way of acknowledging the oppressive heat that accompanies the early "dog days" of summer. I grew up hearing that phrase every year when it got like this in South Dakota, mostly from people who were really old, like my grand parents, like me, now! Some flowers bloom often, some only once and others try, but never seem to quite make it. Does that remind you of people? It certainly does remind me of a lot of folks that are in need of nurture, watering, and fertilizing so that they, also, may grow and blossom into the glorious creations they were intended to be. There are times when life is as oppressive for us as the heat is for the blossums, and it makes it very hard for people to bloom. That's where you and I come on the scene with our watering cans of faith! A virtual conduit of the Spirit of God that is striving to assist every individual with whom we come in contact to grow and burst into beauty. Tomorrow is Sunday! Once again we have the opportunity to attend a church, share with others that join with us to give thanks and praise to our Creator for all He has given us. The best rays for tanning won't be coming around until church is out, and it might just feel really good to sing some songs with the other flowers in the garden, and bloom for an hour or so in the refreshing breeze of God's Word. Spending time with the Lord tomorrow may be exactly what we need to keep us free of the heat. God bless, Preacher.

Digital Photo Of An 'Oil On Canvas' Created By One Of Our New Friends From The Art Festival! Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 22, 2005

If The Government Says It's Not Healthy, Why Don't 'They' Come Remove It? Posted by Picasa

Giving Voice To The Thoughts Of My Heart!

The laundry, utilities, and central bathroom share a wall in our home. They also share the dubious distinction of having been remodeled this past week. Now that it's over I have but one thing to say, "who's idea was this?" Between the two of us I think we've got about 60 hours into the project. I'm really thankful it finished today! The temps outside climbed, managing to peak around the "uncomfortably warm" stage by 3 this afternoon. The air conditioner puked. It took five fans running constantly to keep the indoors at about 82 for most of the day. Whoosh! This is the time that it really feels good to be out in the open air rolling down the highway, unfortunately I was painting in a space just a little smaller than a double up at the pen. There is an upside, though, the paint really dries fast when it's this hot! I suppose no matter what is happening in life there is always something positive to focus on if we have a mind to. This leads me to a thought: When we start counting our blessings, do we start with the really big ones, and work our way down? Or do we start with the little bitty ones and work our way up? I guess from my perspective of prioritization I'd have to say I start with the big things. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then come the relationships, and finally the stuff that fills the space of my days. Barna wrote 20 years ago("The Frog In The Kettle")that the most precious commodity in the world would be time. He was, and is, exactly right! None of us really minds working hard, but we want our time to be spent well no matter what we are doing. I think of Ken tonight(stepfather to five of my children)who passed away Tuesday due to a heart attack he suffered on Sunday, at the age of 45 he had hardly begun to live. Our friend Gary who passed away in the spring at the age of 43(his heart just quit beating)is another one who comes to mind, along with about a dozen others this year in their early fifties. First I pray for the individuals, that they had received Christ as Savior. Second I pray for all those who were looking forward to spending a good chunk of life with them. Finally I pray for those who may learn something from these others I have mentioned here, to prevent this from happening to them. Life is a journey, not a destination, and the whole point of having a life, in my opinion, is to be given the opportunity to accomplish good things for others for a long time. Today Cheryl and I are celebrating once again, an anniversary. This makes eight years(but then, who's counting?)we have been blessed to share one another's love and each other's lives. I pray we have another 30 or more in us to share together. God only knows what can be accomplished through faith. My prayer tonight is that there were many things in your life today that truly brought about it being, "A Good One!" Sometimes we just deserve a great day! Other times I am so thankful that I don't get what I truly deserve, for I know in my heart I am deserving of very little if it doesn't bring glory To God. As always; In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Hot Days, Cool Nights, & Great Rides! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 21, 2005

'Tis A Gift To Be Simple, 'Tis A Gift To Be Free! Posted by Picasa

Taking Time For A "Simple" Joy Life Offers!

The circumstances of the past few days in regard to the massive heart attack my children's stepfather experienced have come to their conclusion. I received word from my wife, Cheryl(she drove directly to the church after work to our prayer gathering), that Ken had been taken off the life support and passed away shortly thereafter. Another Ken was in prayer with us last night along with pastor Gavin. The news was not a shock, and we had placed everything in God's hands the night he was taken to the hospital, so this is how things were supposed to be. More details of the "life situation" are written up beginning with my Sunday blog. I continue in prayer for all of those whose lives this has touched so greviously. Following Wednesday evening's prayer time, Cheryl and I went home, her on four wheels and me on two. I suggested we both mount up and chase the sun for awhile. We tried to catch as much of the sunset as we were able. It was a really good one! We missed some of the spectacular moments by about 15 minutes, but that wasn't the sole purpose of our going riding together. The ride gave us time to reflect in our own solitude on the tragic, untimely death of another person we had shared this life with who wasn't quite 50 years of age. We rode, feeling one another's bodies pressed closely together atop the massive Ultra Classic Harley. We shared the rumble of the road, stopping several times to "shoot" the sunset. We didn't talk much(except for that moment on the interstate when we were a half mile from the road construction and I was up past 85 with the idea in mind of passing everything ahead of us before we got to the 45 zone, that's when the voice of reason sounded in my ear)! My thought is that we were both occupied with similar directions in our remembering. The bottom line for both of us when we got back home was one of acceptance of God's will in our lives and a strengthening of resolve to speed the healing process in our family as much as possible. There are times when we all need to "get away" for awhile and put all the situations into perspective. It is good that we have each other to share those moments with, and a blessing to know that is God present in this life, and the next, down every road we roll. We find our strength in Him, and we find the comfort for all of our heartaches in Him. He who created us also provides us with a Savior. It is in knowing the Savior that we find the strength and joy every day to "carry on." My physician has advised me to come in for a "stress" test. I've avoided that for a year and a half. So far, so good!! Life has enough stress without going to the lengths of finding yet another cause to be worried about things beyond our innate ability to comprehend with real, "faith inspired" understanding. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

We weren't rolling fast enough to get past the lines of communication! Posted by Picasa

If A Leader Takes You In, Can He Get You Out? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Bible When Used As A Compass Always Points The Way To Truth!

The answer has always been, "To get to the other side!" I suppose that makes a lot of sense to a chicken, but hardly constitutes sufficient reason to follow that rooster on the plank below. You and I have good reason to be wary of the leaders to whom we swear our allegiance. There are some out there who really don't have a clue where they're going, they just want someone to follow them, the more the merrier. Political leaders are some of the worst offenders, second are the so-called religious leaders of the newest craze in faith swings. I heard a joke recently concerning our Holy Bible. It's the version some persons in places of power have chosen to use as their guidline for creating a "following." I'm not going to bore you with the joke, but the punchline referred to it as the newly published "eraseable" Bible! All 66 books in #2 pencil so that anything you don't happen to agree with you can easily remove. The joke was humorous, but on the tongue in cheek side it is exactly what is happening in many of our christian churches right now. Texts that are contrary to today's popular opinions are left out for the sake of not "offending" anybody. Whoosh! It used to be a really simple decision people had to make, very black and white, right or wrong kind of stuff. Not so anymore! Now if you're going to be a part of a church you have to stay politically correct, respect all of the people who are a part of the congregation, and furthermore, by all means, do not step on anyone's right to interpret God's Word. It eventually boils down to people like us having to swallow deviant behaviors and practices if we're to keep on loving our fellow human beings in the context of the denomination we are associated with. For many folks, they grew up in a particular denomination and had no idea how things were changing until they found themselves confronted with issues that they can't truly accept but they're afraid to speak out or step away, either. An old adage comes to mind, "The only thing necessary for 'evil' to triumph over 'good' is for 'good' to do nothing!"
I'm throwing stones now, and you know it as well as I do, and I shouldn't do that.. but......unless......(so, forgive me, Lord, if my intentions are misunderstood). I don't give advice to people, it just isn't a wise thing to do; but if you're in one of those churches out there that has blindly followed it's leadership into the 21st century and begun to accept stuff that would not have been right 50 years ago, or even 25 years ago. If it is something that a Bible believing grandmother would not condone, then we have to be rethinking why we are willing to follow where we're being led. There are always some who are determined to set aside the truth in God's Word, I guess that's why people were so desperately in need of a Savior. If you have at one time seen His light, and walked in His ways, please check out your leaders and where they are headed. You're working from the same book, unless yours, too, is eraseable. Check that plank before you walk it! Not everyone will mislead you. Some very good men and women in power are being guided not by God's truth, but by someone's interpretation of God's truth. You have within you the irrefutable power of discernment, my prayer is that each of us uses it often and to the very best of our abilities. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Ever Made The Decision To Lead, Only To Find When Looking Back That Nobody Followed You? Posted by Picasa

Every Day We Are In The Process Of Leaving Behind Parts Of Ourselves. How Will You Be Remembered? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Even The Most Winding Of Roads Has A General Direction

Conversations around motorcycle shops are somewhat limited in scope. Down the road a ways from home today I had occasion to pause for an unexpected pit stop. The usual topics of import were covered in the first half hour, that includes the latest jokes, upcoming rides, and rides just completed the last few weeks, not always in this order. It reminds me a bit of the banter that takes place around a sale barn before the bidding gets started, only there the crew are farmers and ranchers. It seems like we all have our "group specific" way of getting "easy" enough to talk serious. The backside of the small talk makes it possible even for people who have never seen each other before today become comfortable enough to share what is really on their minds!
This day, like so many others these past weeks, focused on the folks who are now riding either a celestial highway, or one that supposedly rumbles beneath our feet. Indian Larry was a regular guy, like so many others, and if you had the time to spend he was a wonderful source of inspired lessons waiting to be taught. Most of the lessons were derived from personal experience, of which the best ones are, very personal. Quite often my presence in the midst of really "at ease" bikers gives me an opportunity to witness on behalf of my Savior. Larry would say that there is never a better time to talk about what comes after life than when somebody you know well has just crossed over. Lately we've had quite a few do that(Indian Larry made his last ride in March)from around here. The general concensus today was that "everyone makes mistakes, some are just fatal!" None of us ever knows when we are going to be called, but we can make some very basic preparations for that time. The most important of these is knowing which way you're headed if you're called today. I suppose when I think about it seriously, I'm one of those preacher types that would like to see everyone in heaven. It's a thin line, that one we walk between the banter and the Bible, but it's one that brings with it rewards. Lately it's been getting together over a cup of coffee to really talk one on one about the details of faith. That is one of the ways to go about getting answers to those questions concerning who you think Christ is, and what He can do for your life, one on one! Here is another of my scenarios: Good is when you start thinking about getting those questions answered and maybe try out a church as a "drop in." Better is when you're sure you haven't got all the "right" answers and you strive through listening, studying, and actively seeking to get them. Best is when you find someone you know is a believing christian, sit down together, and let them tell you their story. If they're real they won't come to beat you with a Bible, they'll come because their Savior has called them to do just this. They'll come in humility, loving, caring, and filled with compassion for whatever life's roads have handed you. There's one other thing they'll do. That person will listen, and hear you, because they know that you are beginning to write your story, and it is through this that God's love for all of us will continue to be spread, from generation to generation, throughout the ages. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Memorable People And Enjoyable Philosophies On Wheels! Posted by Picasa

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