Everybody is going to ask me at some point in time if we had a map. The answer is "yes" and we employed it to the very best of our corporate abilities. The problems began with the way the roads are numbered. There are two #1 exits off I-29 about three miles apart. One takes you where we were headed, the other winds down along the Red River on gravel roads(and the inevitable detours)and to make things as confusing as they can get, they both take you to the same place, eventually! My suggestion for the serious traveler intent on reaching his\her destination would be to never, ever under any circumstances set any deadlines or appointments when pursuing a destination with persons of an artistic bent. We were lost, but not so much that it caused worry! The sun was rapidly disappearing when we rounded a corner and almost simultaneously halted our two vehicle caravan in the center of the road and jumped out wielding cameras on the unsuspecting wilderness. I had three going in no time and the artist in the Escalade had more than one, I'm sure. Thus it went for the next half an hour. Drive a mile or so, stop, take pictures, stop. Pause at a farm, get directions, stop take pictures; all the while darkness rapidly closed around us. Finally we found where we were supposed to be an hour or so back, and many miles. It may sound strange, but the whole of the three days away went exactly like this, and we were blessed beyond belief. All I can say without doubt is that God had a plan, and we were part of it. I suppose we really never were lost. We were going where we were supposed to go! That included reaching a town about an hour from the hotel, unless you go our way, which lasted over two hours and stretched about 123 miles. We talked about the unusual circumstances of the journy this morning over coffee. One thing is certain, it was memorable beyond our wildest expectations. God allows things like this to happen to folks, I think, just to find out how we'll react. I pray we got it right, and I know from viewing the pics tonight that we did the "right" thing. We took being late, getting lost, dirty, dusty, not to mention tired and turned it into a cause for rejoicing. I wish all of life's challenges could be met just like the past few days. Carrying on to do the best and make the best of every moment. After all, isn't that what "true" living is really about? God bless, Preacher.