This has been one of those totally frozen days out here on the Great American Desert! It never ceases to amaze me how one day(yesterday)the temps can be around 30 for the daytime hours, and the next we drop forty degrees down to, "I'll bite you if you go outside." That is what we contended with today. Every few hours I take Snickers(as seen in the above photos taken this evening)out for what has become a very short walk. He runs out the door, finds his spot and does his business, NO lolly gagging. Do people still use that particular phraseology? I have no clue where it came from, but it aptly describes the opposite of what Snickers does when the weather is nice. My wife, Cheryl, has been a bit under the weather today so she's taking some of her sick time which she never does. She told me tonight that in the past few years she has accumulated 1,000 hours of unused sick leave. To me that sounds like a vacation just waiting to happen. Somewhere really warm and balmy with the Ultra Classic on a trailer behind us all the way to southern Texas. We're only 1,200 miles from Dallas, and it has got to be a lot nicer there than here. None of this has anything to do with what I stopped in to blog about, though.
I wanted to mention comfort zones, and the one that Snickers found on the coffee table. He is not supposed to be on tables, but tonight was an exception. I'm the one responsible for that comfy pillow being on the table. I slipped out of my jeans after the last outing and curled up in the chair to put my feet up. Then I got busy playing the piano and the next thing I knew Snickers had commandeered my cushy place. The same thing goes on in the greater world, too. We have our eye on the perfect parking place and someone gets there before us. I rarely get my favorite place at the restaurant, but that's because it happens to be everyone's favorite place to be this time of the year, right in front of the fireplace. Sometimes things just aren't the way we would like them to be, but that's okay, if we have learned to be happy for others instead of grumbling. How many folks do you know that always seem to be a little bit happy concerning the misfortune of others? I know far too many, and I try from time to time to share my happiness over others blessings. We live in a world where the media covers so much of the bad stuff that is going on that I think some of it rubs off on people and they dwell in the same pit of bitterness that seems to pervade our planet. So, enough already! How about we all look for the little uplifting things that are going on around us all of the time? Even if someone takes our cushy pillow. God bless, Preacher.