Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Traveling Tales!
Travis(son)and Shantel(girlfriend)just returned from Florida. Their combined tax refunds had a little to do with the journey I'm sure, although I haven't heard that from either of them as yet. They make a cute couple, both in their first years of the over thirty set. Their combined incomes probably just top the 100k mark which leaves many of us out here on the Great American Desert in the income bracket dust. I'm tickled they both have each other to share time with, and the perils of travel away from South Dakota. The best story of the sojourn thusfar has to do with turning in the rental car at the international airport in Orlando. It seems they got there two hours early for their flight, turned in the rental car, and then were informed that there was another international airport in Orlando and the one they were in was not the "right" one. Nearly $100 of cab fare later and just barely under the wire for departure they made their way back to our vicinity. I have yet to hear Shantel's rendition of the saga, but if it goes anything like the one I heard yesterday it will be a laugh fest. Isn't that just the way our world is? I never would have suspected that there was more than one airport anywhere of international stature. We get along down the road of life and we learn many things. Some of them are really important, some not so! Information has got to be part of the key to making our way through airports and life intact. One of my colleagues here puts it like this: "You can't get into heaven with money. Being famous won't get you there. Being politically powerful(or correct)won't do it. No amount of intellectual pursuit can achieve that goal, and strength will not force the heavenly doors open. Rich or poor, good looking or not so, there is only one road that leads to everlasting life with our Creator." I pray you have found the correct terminal and placed your faith in Christ as Savior. After the plane leaves it's too late to catch a cab to the right gate, and there are two! One of them is a place I would never choose for an "eternal" vacation. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Bear in Peace
The task of being removed from our environment is not one to take lightly. We all seek a place of total peace. Out here on the frozen tundra of the Great American Desert our time found at peace is often in the very midst of a roaring blaze of fire. When feet are freezing and breath is gently seen amidst pearls of rising mist there is the essence of "us" that permeates the atmosphere. We are all one, you know, in the throes of our humanity, we are one with our Creator, God. Defined in inumerable ways there is but one path that leads to an eternal life. I believe that is found in my Savior, Christ. There are other ways that are inumerated in the writings of antiquity, but they, also, must lead to the same final conclusion......We were created! Beware of the bear that would cause an intrusion on your place of peace. He is magnificent, but deadly. Only in true peace and harmony with our Creator can we hope to successfully face the adversary. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Let The Rumble And Roar Begin To Soar
Late February, streets are beginning to show signs of life out here on the Great American Desert. Two-wheeled life filled with anticipation of another season on that favorite ride. It's time to charge the batteries and drain old fluids. Along with that comes the necessary cleaning of the machines and shining them up for their days in the sun. The KJV that has been accompanying me in the car is about to be packed away in the saddlebag, along with brochures, invitations, publicity materials, and all of the rest of the important "stuff" that has to travel with us. I've been praying about a laptop to share space with us us this year. It would fit quite nicely in the trunk of the Ultra Classic Electra Glide(that's a Harley bagger), and that way I could stay in touch with everyone all of the time. Wireless communications, the wave of the future is here today! What will it mean for the spreading of the Gospel? People across the globe are getting the message out, but in my heart I believe that true evangelism is a one on one affair. Three cornered, to be sure, with one person who truly wants to see another saved from damnation, the other person who is uncertain of what Christ can do in their life, and God. It's a process, and one that we look forward to with even greater anticipation than the rides and roads that will unwind beneath our wheels. Have you had your perk for the day? If not, here's one of mine. God loves us all so much that He gave His only Son to die for us that we might live eternally. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Prayers Answered
Books are being written, money being made, and people struggle and wonder if "God answers prayer." The answer, of course, is yes! That is not a simple yes. It is a resounding YES! Terry e-mailed this picture of his daughter, Sarah, who has been serving in Iraq and is presently home on leave. My son, Justin, just returned from his third and final tour of that land. Prayers answered, right! But it is not that simple. We pray every day for our service women and men. They are in the process of doing what some may later(as they did with the Vietnam "conflict")consider a waste. That is not how it is done, and it is not the way we as a people need to express our gratitude to a country that continues to insure our freedom no matter what the cost. We join the ranks for a lot of reasons, but it doesn't take long for the spirit of comraderie to command a large portion of our daily cognizance. Forgive me if I mispelled that one, it's been a long time since my heart has swelled with so much pride for personally knowing individuals who have been willing to lay it all on the line for me. My Savior did just that 2000 years ago, but when it's the kid from down the street or two states away we tend to forget the level of sacrificial positioning that is necessary for people to do what they continue to do on a daily basis. Not to mention the hundreds of years of sacrifice that has been necessary for us to arrive to this moment. I could preach long and hard on my Savior, my country, and my beliefs, but that is not the point tonight. It is about these beautiful individuals that we often take for granted that are out there doing their sworn duty....no matter what! Keep all of them in your prayers, as well as our entire nation. We may not agree with all of the poitical stances of folks, but we can agree on one thing. Young ladies like Sarah, and young men like my son Justin are deserving of your support in prayer and every other way you can provide from the comfort of our world, no matter what! God bless you kids...you are all in our prayers. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Sacred Trusts
I suppose you'll have to click on the pages and maybe even magnify them a bit to make them readable. It's hard to imagine a life so small as the one pictured in the hand above, and yet that life took shape at the very instant of conception. At that moment a soul was invested in the coming together of the gift God has given us in procreation. I know there is a lot of conjecture of when a life is truly a life, but the way I see it we are all just like that infant above. We're all held in the very palm of God's hand, and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! Too simplistic? Too idealistic? Maybe, but we all have to make our stance according to the leading of our hearts. The article that I put up in pages scanned by a very old Lexmark tell a little about a man, and a lot about how God uses people to carry on the work of the kingdom. We wrestle our human difficulties, and for the most part we are a lot like the person(you'll know what I mean here if you read the pages)who was so shy he had to tell the message from behind an upraised hand for fear of the crowd. God takes that part of us that is the weakest, most vulnerable, and uses it for mighty purposes. What we see as failings in ourselves and others are vastly unimportant. The area we need to develop, every one of us, is trust! It is that simple. Trust is the beginning of courage. Even the very smallest of infants has the courage born in them to struggle for survival. That is the spirit of humankind that refuses to give up, quit, backdown or shutup. We're fighters! Each of us, just as helpless as that baby in the hand above, is comprised of a body, a mind, and a soul that thirsts for growth in every way imaginable. Perhaps we need to see ourselves as that child so that we can help others understand that life is a sacred trust. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Mail Call
Lighter thoughts this evening are dedicated to those people who deliver our mail. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I have. The amount of garbage in our mailbox in the past decade has decreased enormously! Hats off the the USPS! Due to the use of E-Mail and other forms of communication on the net we now are reaping the rewards of an affluent society. So much so that what cost us a penny 100 years ago now costs 39 cents and it still takes three days to arrive from the Great American Desert where my wife and I reside. This is all said "tongue in cheek," of course. I love those folks who do their job in any kind of weather and resist the temptation to shoot one another. It is ironic, though, that leather postcard I posted here a while back probably took less time to arrive at it's intended destination than a post card from the same location would today. What message can this possibly hold for the ecumenical community of which I am a member? Just this: The message is the same. No matter what the cost to deliver it we must continue to deliver it as efficiently as possible. Yes, there are changing attitudes to address! Yes, this is a new century! Yes things have changed since my great grandmother's day! But(and this is a big one), "WE HAVE NOT CHANGED!" We are still the pathetic little buck-passing people that God placed on this earth with only one hope of eternal salvation! Our eternal salvation is found in the Son of our God. Many in the English speaking world call His name Jesus. In other parts of the known world He is known as Yeshua. I believe that wherever we gather to call on the name of the triune God He hears us and responds. It isn't always the response we would like to have, but it is a response, and it doesn't take three days to get here! When we pray and listen, God is faithful and answers our prayers. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Have You Had Your Frill Today?
Today the explanation of "President's" day was shared with my grand daughter. She didn't know who the guys were on the coins, but rapidly caught on to the idea of celebrating birthdays. We had ice cream, chocolate marshmallow! Interestingly enough one of my biker buds declared this "buddies" day and sent me flowers to send on to all of my buds. Last week everyone was giving and receiving flowers. On our kitchen table there resides a vase with a half dozen carnations, three white, and three pink, that my wife brought me knowing fully how much I appreciate them. The lyrics from an old country song come to mind along with lyrics from the rock world. "Love is a rose but you better not pick it; only grows when it's on the vine," and "every rose has it's thorn," were the first of what will now be a night of remembrances.
The beauty of flowers should be one that reminds us of the interaction of human kind with their environment, but for me it runs much deeper. You see, each of us has the ability to bloom in the lives of others and bring beauty to them. Sometimes a smile can be a "flower" in someone else's day. The kind word can have the same impact along with the heartfelt compliment. Kids have a way of picking up the flowers in life every day, but adults have grown up and seem to have lost that magical ability. One of my friends used to say, "don't ever grow up, it's no fun!" Growing up can be fun, though, when we learn to share the beauty of this life with others. I pray you have much to share with those around you, including some flowers for your "buds."
In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Wedding Blessings
About once a month it is my honor to officiate a wedding ceremony for folks desiring to enter into the bonds of "Holy Matrimony." It seems my mind gets really preoccupied with the thoughts of how to bring each union into a faith perspective that is going to somehow assist the couple when things get tough. As we all are painfully aware marriage is not a "forever" thing these days. I spoke yesterday of how things were in the couple's grandparent's time, and about the world we live in today. One of the most personal moments for me in the process of tying another knot is sharing with the couple that no matter where or when, if they have problems in their marraige I will be there for them. So far I have only had to respond to that need once in hundreds of weddings! Fortunately for me I had an out, the couple were experiencing their second set of vows with each other and it didn't work either time. Still, I count that as a failure, not personally, but somehow I feel inside that there should have been something I could have learned before pronouncing them man & wife that might have altered the outcome. Isn't that the way of life, we always think we might have done something different. When we come out of seminary and enter into the world of service in the church we come armed with pre-marital tests, and evaluation tools that are supposed to be cutting edge materials. We also come armed with hours of counseling training and many books to assist us with the task of helping people get off on the "right" foot together. Well, experience provides lessons that no classroom could have ever foretold. The truth of the matter is this:
All of creation hinges on God's will for our lives. If we place God first and "me" second, we can build lasting relationships. These will extend to not only our spouse, but to our friends, children, and if we are truly blessed, our grands and their families. It really is simple, but in our humaness we complicate life with the "I" that we try to satisfy. I shared with a couple this morning that right smack dab in the middle of "SIN" is "I." It's a simple truth, but the more we learn about life and relationships the more apparent it becomes that to truly unite as "one" both must be willing to circumnavigate the tendency toward "I-ness!" Life isn't fair, it's not easy, but we can learn from it and grow if we are willing to set ourselves aside and let God be our guide. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Love In Any Language
We live in a world where love is such a common in useage that we become distracted and often miss the whole point of what love is! Everyone has an idea, a set of images that come into their mind when they hear the word. Personally I think most of us miss the mark when it comes to defining love. I know about 2,000 songs that employ the word, and in some fashion attempt to convey lyrically the feelings of love. I know the lyrics to about 200(10%)of them, but when I play them in my mind they seem pretty senseless. On our side door hangs a sign pasted together out of a "welcome" thing(kinda\sorta cutesie)and scrabble letters. The letters say, "Love Is A State Of Heart!" For me love is a real trust, one that is complete, and leaves no room for doubt. That is how I view my love of God. When it comes to folks I have often tried for that level of meaning, and rarely if ever been able to hold on to it for protracted periods of time. My grandmother's(paternal)passing marked the end of a time in life where I actually knew someone that loved me as completely as God. She was way cool, and no matter how old I got she was always there up until she reached the age of 93, and then I had to continue this life's journey without her. Now I'm the one with the grandkids. My most fervent prayer is that they find the love in me that I've found in God and that they can trust that love as much as I do my Savior's. The point is, we all hunger for, long for, and need the love that is truly unconditional. That can be found and shared, but we have to be as willing as a small child to "TRUST." Perhaps herein we can learn a lesson....real love has got to be based in a trusting relationship. Now I have learned another of life's lessons. The kind of love that endures is the love that is given, not taken! I pray you have that love in your heart, and that you have many others to share it with as you grow. If you happen to be in need of that love right now, it is never any further away than the distance between your knees and the floor. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Traveling Together
It's so easy in the midst of our married lives to forget that we are traveling as a couple the path of life. We're in the same boat, but it may not be as apparent as the picture makes it. Valentine's Day is about over. The expectations and anticipations of this year's addition to our "history" together will be what it is. Some will have shared laughter and love, maybe dreams and aspirations, too. For some this day has brought a painful reminder of how short time truly becomes as we near the end of our life's journey as a couple. A low mournful wailing could be heard during one of today's moments of prayer. It was that of one who can no longer share this special day in quite the same way, her mate has gone on to his reward. Let us keep in mind all the flowers of love that have bloomed on this earth. Not just the great romances which made it to the screen or novel or even tabloid, but the simple loves of heart and home shared by couples everywhere. You see, husband and wife the world over in response to christian faith is much the same. It is dictated by the Bible and it's writings concerning how we should be toward one another. I take comfort tonight that just as we hold one another today there have been those who have traveled this way before us. The church is referred to often as the "Bride of Christ." As we hold each other, so God holds us all. Thanks be to God! In Christ's love to all the christian sweethearts out there. Happy Valentine's Day, Preacher.
Monday, February 13, 2006
From The Heart
Tomorrow is the celebration of St. Valentine's Day! I've read several origins of the holiday. I'm sure you have, also. I think what always impresses me most is the lengths to which the advertising world goes to get the utmost out of a sales "opportunity" in relation to the buying public in our country. There are always new gimicks appearing out in retail land. I'm somewhat of a traditionalist when it comes to this special day of celebration. Then there is the side of me that insists we are to be actively loving our brothers and sisters everyday of the year. Tonight I send out a "Special Delivery" to the Body of Christ. When the apostle Paul wrote that "faith, hope, and love abide," and that "the greatest of these is love," he was exactly right! Real love, true love, is the most powerful motivator on the planet. If we could harness it and put it to work for good only, we could effectively solve the world's greatest problems. I pray you have someone very special to express your love toward tomorrow. Give thanks for that love, and as you thank God for that say a prayer for those who have not love in their hearts. One of the Native American artworks that adorn my office walls says it like this, "If there is anything better than loving, it is to be loved!" I like that! God loves us so much at such a personal level that we should not need to be reminded to love Him back, but that's what I'm doing! For each of us to share a moment of silent prayer with our God and say, "I Love You, Lord." In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
From Cross To Cup
My heart has been drawn to serving the "Living Lord," Christ! Five days have passed as prayer has been shared with God(and anyone else who was willing to listen and share)concerning the new ministry about to begin right here in Brookings, South Dakota. Months passed, over a year's worth, as I walked the shores of the Jabok wrestling with my thoughts and the seemingly unending parade of self doubt and criticism from within. My doubts centered on the question of worthiness, for I truly believe that none of us is actually deserving of the call to serve God. The affirmations I was slow to recognize as the mountain began to move in my direction until finally, today, under the most unusual circumstances I was brought to full realization that right here on the Great American Desert there are vast fields, white unto harvest, that must be addressed. I am not representing in an official capacity any denomination, but solely(no pun intended)trusting that God knows what He is doing with the meager supply of gifts and graces I entrust for His purpose. You may have heard me mention before that my personal "breath prayer" is "Let Thy Will Be Done" and it may not be continually on my lips throughout the course of each day, but it is broadcast constantly from the Spirit that dwells within. I shared with a close friend a few weeks ago that all I have and all I am is merely a vehicle for what God would have me do. This is it! A renegade Reverend on the high plains poised to set forth on the greatest journey in life. I suppose the next step is to do some in depth planning. According to God's will this should be a fascinating read as the chapters unfold. Tonight's title indicates a journey, but it is not mine alone. It is the journey of everyone who comes seeking a path of peace with all creation. I remember with a smile the words of one of my favorite seminary professors, "You need God a lot more than God needs you!" He is the same one that took a long hard look at me years ago across the classroom and pronounced the words(for some reason I think he was speaking directly to me in regard to the length of my hair), "The world doesn't need another Jesus, one was enough!" I pray Richard is enjoying the moments he takes to look in and see how I'm getting along in this life. I also pray it gives him cause for outright laughter from time to time, I know it does me. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Writing often about the peace which people seek in their lives has brought me to this consideration concerning Holy Communion. However we celebrate the Lord's Supper we are in the process of seeking God's enlightenment concerning our purpose in living. Today I have received an answer that will suffice for tomorrow. Our giving of ourselves to Christ enables us as a body to accomplish so much more than any one person could ever hope to do in a thousand lifetimes. We can stretch out our collective hands and arms of faith and wrap up another clear down in Texas(I'm up here on the Great American Desert which is really a cold place to be tonight)without concern that they might not be blessed by our prayers. Of course they will! God is so cool when it comes to this little knot of humanity we refer to as "christian." It is much like having family everywhere you travel, and they all love you as much as our Savior does. This is not meant to be a reason for joining up with a Body of Christ where you live, but if you don't you sure are missing out on a huge goodness that this life has to offer. In an age when many seem to be traveling a path of self-interest, self-indulgence, self-motivation, self-assurance, and independence, it brings much peace to my heart that there are also those who are "selfless!" I give thanks tonight for the opportunity to share always and all ways with brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a good thing to experience in this life and it will only get better in the next. God bless, Preacher.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
The Church Of Tomorrow.....Today!
Here it is a fully functional multi-purpose building set up for peoples enjoyment and Sunday edification! Yes, there is a regular gymnasium to one side of the water park themed worship center. Yes it is 100% handicap accessible, and there are no uncomfortable seats. It's a perfect place to enjoy a Sunday outing with the family. After services one can sit and dine while children cavort in the flowing waters which do double duty as baptismal fonts and pools when needed. An entire family can now be baptized in just moments with a few quick words from the pastor and an exciting rush down the slide to full immersion where they can be greeted by friends and loved ones alike!
This is all in jest, maybe. It seems as though today we are growing closer and closer to churches that establish themselves not only as places for worship, but also other activities. So, why not an indoor theme park? Put it in a large mall and you have a place that everyone is sure to want to attend. In this day of bigger and better ways to get people through the doors of the church can we be far from the implementation of such come ons? Think of it as a club and that with your membership you receive a beautiful gift and a lifetime pass to the facility! This may be happening already, somewhere. Not out here on the Great American Desert, although I must admit it does look very inviting. Then there is that church with the big screen TV and the Superbowl is coming, maybe we could just visit next Sunday. Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! In Christ's Love, Preacher.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Quick Christians
EMT friends are interesting. They always have pictures to share concerning what can happen when one's favorite mode of transportation is a two-wheeled suicide machine better known as a motorcycle. The one pictured here was obviously ridden by someone who placed very little value on life! Crashing this tiny VW at a speed estimated to be in excess of 155 mph took three lives in a heartbeat. I've been up over 170 on two wheels, sanctioned, of course, and it is a speed I no longer need to seek. The slightest bump in the road causes the front end to literally float and the sound of the air whistling past is, well, awesome! The whole experience is a rush like many things in life. When it comes to matters of faith I have chosen to place mine in Christ and even He agrees that speeds over 100 are not reccomended for people over 50! Crashing into obstacles is another factor in our faith that must be encountered. They say the average reaction time for a rider is 1.6 seconds. For the new comer to faith in the spiritual sense it can be more like a month. God does not prepare us completely for the journey, He provides the maps and guidelines, even posts signs and wonders to keep us on the right track, but that isn't always the "fast" track. Faith needs time to mature and age a bit as it aquires it's unique perspective provided through our individual experiences. Oops! I almost started down one of those "I can remember when" roads, which is another sign of age that seems to pop up with greater regularity. Fresh out of the chute it is wise to temper enthusiasm with caution. I know, everybody should be as excited about heaven and the eternal possibilities there are with our loving Savior, but we shouldn't go so fast that we scare folks away or turn them off permanently. Just a little something to think about when you're out there on the high way! In Christ's Love, Preacher.
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