Saturday, October 01, 2005

Checking Things Out

I had no idea how the new interface(if that is what this is called)worked with the program so I though I'd give it a whirl. The pic is courtesy of National Geographic, the caption, of course, is mine and I pray it is readable. Mail is coming in from the devestation in the south. I appreciate the folks down there that have gone in to do ministry and work side by side with cleanup crews. I don't appreciate them referring to where they are at as "ground zero!" It seems to me that is a term that has only one connotation. It was associated(my first remembrance was bomb testing and Hiroshima)with New York and 911, and to use it in the Katrina scenario seems(in my mind), somehow, inappropriate. "Ground Zero" was heard as a phrase so often in the World Trade Towers attack that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when it is associated with other disasters. So, Russell, Mike, and crew, if others are doing the useage thing the way you are, pray about it and see if there is not a better form of terminology that can be applied to the situation. After all, we're on God's team, and we would not wish to offend even one of His children if it were avoidable. In Christ's Love, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

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