They needn't be in the order I placed them tonight in the title, but these are very important elements when healing loss of a personal nature. On our recent journey to the south we encountered a family owned restaurant where the bread is so good it has to be tasted to be believed. Fun the like of which I haven't had in an eating establishment for a long time is the daily fare of the world's one and only(there are three of them now)bun tossing emporiums. Lamberts is a total experience in down home(southern)style hospitality and quisine. It is not the same without great company to enjoy it with, though. Life is also like that, we need to share it with others in causal ways, and intimate ways. Everything from the "best" friends ever to the dearly loved family cannot compare to the love God desires for us to share. I like the sign that tells of "drinking" as an important part of life. I suppose a few years ago I would have seen this as an affirmation of one of my afflictions. Today I see it with a grin and have to laugh when recalling the experiences I've had as a result of drinking the wrong beverages. I still like the thought, but for me it is presently on my "don't do" list. I joined tonight with a family of folks for whom I'll be working a memorial service for tomorrow. Too many reflections to pull together tonight, maybe it has something to do with the number of times I've been down this particular road. Here is a brief assurance....God's healing presence is to be found in the three elements I've chosen for the title. Some of us open quickly to these elements, others hold back until they have to partake of the comfort offered. To each of us it means something different to share this deeply personal journey of grief. If you happen to be a praying person do me a favor tonight, pray for the widows who have lived long and loved well. In the midst of the family, friends, and of course, food, there is an age old battle taking place that will determine life or death for those who continue on. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
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