We have returned safely from our journey to Tennessee! A beautiful trip accompanied by personable people and weather that was fantastic! Memphis is always a joy and this return did not disappoint us. BB King's backup band had me wound nearly as tight as I ever get. The return miles were done in one 30 hour day. I would have made it all the way without sleep but just south of Sioux City, Iowa there were snakes jumping up and down on the highway. The next thing I saw was my Savior carrying His cross down the center line so I knew it was time for a short nap. The Iowa department of highways provides a rest area at exactly the right place for catching some much needed sunrise shuteye. It took about 40 minutes to rejuvenate my battery(I didn't need these "rest" stops 30 years ago, but back then they weren't quite as nice so I suppose I need to be thankful for that, too)for the 2 hours necessary to pull us up in the driveway of our present home. I use the term "present" simply because we did find a few places that appeared to be suitable for us to reside in if doors should open in that direction. I heard that the temps are not always as warm as we experienced, but then, anything has to be better than 20 below on the Great American Desert! I give thanks tonight for a safe journey(2800 miles in all)and the protection that God offered over the course of my birthday week. I also extend thanks to all of the folks who E-mailed congrats. While we were in Nashville I think a lot of people knew it was my birthday. Everywhere we drove people were honking at us as they went by. It's always good to know that folks care even when you're a long ways from home. Today being Sunday I was back at First Baptist at the piano enjoying the relaxation that music affords me in the context of worship. You know, things do not always go as we plan, and there can be some really rough bumps in the road while we're traveling. It's good to know that at the end of each day God is with us, and at the beginning, too, and everywhere inbetween He is beside us, guiding us as best we allow. I'll be back with my stories about the days between these past two Sundays this week. I pray your life is good! In Christ's Love, Preacher.
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