A journey of faith shared in thoughts, prayers, people, places and life circumstances. Another way of looking at life with an opportunity for feedback.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
View From The Dashboard
Life Life is just easier on two wheels. I may have to wrench it, I may have to polish it, but it doesn't get any better than this. Laying on my back with my favorite piece of carpet beneath my head and talking on the phone to a buddy who knows more about how to fix what I'm working on than I have ever dreamed of knowing. That's why I called Crusader Richard, and while we were talking about the red, blue, and white wires I had time to look at the view from where I was right at that moment. Pretty cool, huh? It was for me! Then there came the other thoughts concerning the greater "family" that I share with folks all over this planet. The guys and gals who share my passion for being"In The Wind" and knowing the language of the road. I don't have first hand knowledge of this other than at the rally where I've met folks from all over the globe, but I'm working on it through the interesting venue of our "internet" connection. It would appear that no matter where one goes(even out here on the Great American Desert)there are people of faith who love to be "out there" on two wheels. The upside of that is that we get better gas mileage than 95% of the 4 wheeled type vehicles, and we get to meet lots of great people that share our passion for the ride. The adventure does not end there, though, when you place in the midst of experience our passion for sharing the Gospel message of a Savior coming to our personal space to free us from sin. That is a good thing! As we get closer to this year's celebration of the 31st of October, please know that not everyone gets off on goblins and ghosts. Some of us decorate with a thought in mind toward All Hallows Eve a venerated celebration of saints that have gone on to victory before us. A lot of my friends in the biker world share the faith of christianity and they do it in more ways than one might ever imagine. Children seem to be a theme that repeats across the length and breadth of America. If there is a kid in need the biker community stands foursquare in their backup. Then there are the multitude of ways in which we try to make lives better for little ones. We collect toys all year through for Christmas(even some of the really "bad dudes" go get toys for tots. Now what does that tell you about the people on two wheels? Then there are the events specifically aimed at raising money for such worthy causes as the "Make A Wish" Foundation. The list is actually endless, and this year we are gearing up for the greatest season ever for Harley Davidson and the world at large. Watch for the blessings as they come down by the Grace of God. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
I set a record for duration of stay at my previous location, Brookings, SD. Nine years does not seem all that long. We aren't done moving in, there are still boxes in the barn that I haven't unpacked from the last four addresses. My strongest desire is to be off and running, hot and fast, in pursuit of the next vision to guide my life. I truly believe this old Bed & Breakfast that we are in the process of converting is the vision God has given us. Thinking about the suitcases out in the barn I know for certain there is one that has had stuff in it since '69 and it's ready to go today. It was not until just recently that I came to the realization that I've got to stop living like I won't be here six months from now. That is unproductive! I pray God gives me enough years to really get settled before adjourning to my permanent home. That one not made with human hands but prepared for me from the beginning. I enjoy telling folks that I'm really not ready to go home yet, but my bags are packed, and my ticket was bought and paid for 2000 years ago.
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