I've been trying not to bore everyone with the day to day details of our house project, but it seems I am failing miserably. Last evening the masonry workers called to inform me that the basement floor has been poured and we should be ready to position the house in 7 days. Right now the Beale house is the largest RV in SD....LOL.....that's just me being silly. It was quite the event to watch as they blasted the blocks apart and built up the equipment under the home which would place it on the trailer bed. Videos were shot from every angle, and the entire neighborhood was filled with camera bearing denizons snapping away(me included). I've included a pic of the artist's rendering via 'puter the project as we have it thought out. I know, taking a pic of the printout on the kitchen table isn't a great idea, but it works and I have a lot of far removed relatives anxiously awaiting this blog posting so they can see what we have been up to all summer and fall. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3800 square feet when completed(probably in a year or so)and we still have to work out the floor plan for the addition that joins 21st century to 19th century. I'll do a thing one day on the homes interior after it has settled in on the property and the new windows and doors have been installed. What a bunch of stuff! Whoosh!!! I awoke in a sweat with nightmares about the concrete work at 4:27 in the am. Today the phone calls have been flying. Then there was the radio thing with a local station manager who went on for twenty some minutes about the historicity of the home and why it should not leave the city. We have even been threatened with folks blocking the removal by lining up cars and trucks to prevent it rolling 5 miles away(where, incidentally, it will be only a few blocks from the county museum). What a deal! Only time will tell, but I know in my heart that God is blessing this piece of work and that in the long run we will be set up to house itinerant christian musicians, fellow preachers, and students of theology. I think for me the most fun will happen when we get to set up the library, music studio, and computerized offices. For my wife, Cheryl, her pleasure will come when she gets to decorate the old and the new. Both of us together, however, will not truly appreciate the creation until it is filled to capacity with holiday guests and dignitaries from the state of South Dakota. Out here on the Great American Desert that means about 15 folks.....just kidding! If you are one to include others in your prayers you might entertain the thought of including us in the months to come. In Christ's Love, Preacher.
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