Thursday, April 28, 2005

Age & Beauty - Life & Learning

My box was filled with responses to some of the more recent posts when I tapped in to see how my day was going to go. I enjoyed reading several of the pieces and then realized they all contained a commom thread; thoughts about getting on in years. I can only think of one alternative to getting older, that is to "NOT" get any older. The poet writes that beauty will fade.........but some things endure, maybe that's what aging is about, enduring. The cute fur ball in the picture below is Kodiak. He belongs with my sister in law but quite often can be found hanging out with my wife and I. At one time in my life I raised herds of Pomeranians. Loved them more than words could ever do justice. One pair, Brandy & Funky lived respectively, 17 & 18 years, which is a long, long life for a canine. They were with me through three wives a dozen affairs with motorcycles, and all over the US they lived, for the most part in a 1971 Ford van that I bought brand new for touring. Except for the few years I spent vacationing in Beautiful Southeast Asia courtesy of an uncle of mine, they were constant companions. One lady I have known for more years than either of us cares to remember has a saying, "If I'd have known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself." I'm sure you've heard it before. We lost another of the young ones, this time 49 years of age with three children still at home. It's that whole stress thing that causes these massive coronary attacks, I become more convinced of that with each passing day. Please rest assured that we can't get through this life without stress(some comfort here, huh)but it doesn't have to take such a heavy toll on our health. Life is a big circle. At age three we think a great day is one in which we don't pee our pants. At age eighty three we think a great day is one in which we don't pee our pants. Another long time friend adds, "I wish I'd have been born rich instead of so good looking and talented." Aging continues, dogs pass on far too soon, beauty fades, and life comes full circle, and what have we learned from this......It is good not to do life alone!........In Christ's Love, Preacher.

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