Tuesday, July 05, 2005

You two do some very nice work, and I know it's a little too soon, but I really believe you need to go for a boy, also! Posted by Picasa

An Ever Changing World, A Never Changing Life!

My title tonight is heart felt, as I sit in this tiny world that opens like a flower blooming at the mere touch of a button. Youngest grand, Kyra, is with us this week. She never ceases to amaze with the new things she is learning at an ever increasing rate of speed. It seems like only yesterday she was as tiny as the newest member of the family pictured above. The world into which they have been born is the same as it has always been for babies, but the world in which they grow up as active participants in will be radically more different than any age this planet has seen. I suppose that we all take for granted at the age of four that things are the way they are and that is all there is to it! We focus on us and our immediate needs and surroundings, but then they begin to open like this tiny world in here. Stretching far and wide until there appears to be no end, until we discover that there is. Some of us come on the death part early, some later, but, eventually we all see the end of life in this world. That is why our prayers here in this house quite often center on the children and young adults we come in contact with in our community. They are the ones to whom we look to the future with hopes and dreams that their lives will be better than ours. And they can be, but they are going to have to make decisions, active choices of what and who to believe about the vital parts of our world that they will be involved with. That is why we have to be the open, honest advocates for learning that they can trust. "Never lie to a child, for that is a betrayal of innocent trust." Preacher-2005
In a world that spins just as fast as it ever has, technology will continue to leap ahead, science will stretch further, and in the midst of it all life will be as it has always been, a challenge for each of us, and a burden to some. My prayer tonight would be that we all help the children of our world to grow in such a way that none of them live "burdensome" lives. Life is intended for us to enjoy! Rejoice in each precious moment and if you would like for this world to be better for tomorrow's harvest of adults, give to the children of today every possible encouragement to thrive. They won't all be "A" students, they won't all be "perfect," and that is as it should be. What today's children are going to need more than anything else we can give them is the individual encouragement to just do the best they can and the world will be, truly, a better place. God bless, Preacher.

A Day Of Celebration, Babies Born Yesterday And On The Net Today! Posted by Picasa

Cold Visions On A Hot Day With Some Cool Thoughts! Posted by Picasa

The Shooting Began In The Early Afternoon!

Gentle breezes and cool temperatures were the first indications of an unusually gorgeous day on the plains. Stepping boldly through the knee high grass I approached the spot where a full bore reenactment of the attack would take place. Western sidearm slung low, tied at the leg and hammer tethered in place, the ravenous trio of wolves were chosen and positioned for their silent attack. Bending low I waited for the sound that would indicate my brother's warning of danger and the demise of one of the approaching denizons of the tall timber. Before the first was dropped from a distance of over 300 yards they had broken into a lope across the frozen face of Maritou. A sound that was out of place on the mountain alerted every nerve in my being to danger! The thundering report of the .270 down slope was just reaching my ears as I whirled, clearing leather and bringing the .41 magnum Colt single action into a two handed combat stance. In an instant the first target running toward me was aquired, less than 30 yards separated us as the Colt spoke and the recoil bucked my hand. Eyes no longer focused on the lead wolf, somewhere the hit had registered in my mind and was dismissed in less than a heartbeat. The reflexes were tuned by a massive surge of adrenaline as the heart pumped wildly and my thumb automatically drew back the hammer, centering a fresh load. My next target lined up in the sights as snow dusted upward from my brother's second round. The report of the Winchester's lethal voice was simultaneously joined by the .41 magnum as both attempted to halt the third adversary. Again my mind registered events as they unfolded faster than the eye could follow. Caught by the .270 in the right flank the wolf was partially skewing to my right as the steel jacketed lead of the Colt threw him back and away. Suddenly as it had begun it ended. Silence reigned again on the mountain as I listened to the blood pounding my ears and the labored breathing of my lungs.
I had to give this a try to see if it was realistic, time wise, from the way it was written in the book. It spans less than five seconds on a stop watch! I had an opportunity to bring down a few of the bad guys, too, yesterday afternoon. After all, it was the 4th and people shot stuff off for days prior to last evening's finale of outdoor rock and roll followed by a display of fireworks that had the crowd cheering. During the festivities it occurred to me that we should celebrate the freedom we have in God's grace like this(maybe without handguns and explosions), too. Not as a replacement for Christmas, but rather, in addition to the current christian celebrations, during this time of the year that some ecumenical calendars mark as "Kingdom Tide." It probably wouldn't be sanctioned by the powers that be(catholic(universal)church) and might even be decried as pagan in practice and appearance by some, but for others I think it could be a time of renewal and revival. Didn't they use to do this and call them "tent" meetings? In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Celebrating The Fourth In South Dakota! Posted by Picasa