Sunday, October 30, 2005

Food For Thought

I was more than ready to curl up with a pizza and a bowl of popcorn to watch a movie with Cheryl this evening. That was when it began. The little bread guys jumped out of the loaf and as I prepared to place them in the toaster I started laughing. They were little singing bread guys. I'm certain you aren't supposed to toast bread guys unless you're making cinnamon toast or something with jelly on it. Even the popcorn sounded strange and then Cheryl came out and told me that my youngest daughter was on the phone and she sounded really weird. Of all times of the year for things to get hinky this was it, the night before All Hallows Eve!
Jasmine(my youngest daughter, 20)has been in Oklahoma visiting her grandmother. She and a friend drove down from Colorado to say "hi" this weekend. On the way back the two of them encountered a stranger and Jazz was totally beside herself with fear and worry. It seems she has just had her first encounter with a person that is bad to the bone, demonic, evil! She said it made her physically ill to be around the individual and had to call me to find out if something like that was possible, the whole evil personified thing. I confirmed her suspicions and gave her my best pastoral advice along with a few fatherly asides which went in one ear and out the other, I'm sure. The pastoral thing, though, was quite another thing. She listened intently and spoke respectfully to me. She knows. I've told her since she was very young, there is evil in the world and more unseen dangers than we are ever fully aware of in the light of day. I'm not discounting the sickos that roam the earth, either, but what she has described to me tonight is one of those individuals who has given themself over to Satan and seeks only to serve the dark master. I am thankful that she is safe, and I pray for the remainder of her journey home. I guess it might be well to say that I pray for her and each of my children and grands every day along with lots of other folks. It seems I'm on some sort of pilgrimage for a while in the blog. Angels, demons, and all of the other things that accompany the spiritual realm of which we, like it or not, are a part. Life would be a lot simpler if all we ever saw were singing "bread guys" and friendly little half popped kernels of corn. Maybe I just need to concentrate of food as a thought for blogging. That would be safe, wouldn't it? In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Preacher's Peeves

I don't know for certain that the word "peeves" is in common useage at this juncture in linguistic history. It probably is of little concern to many but I for one have become tired of people rewriting history to suit the whims(probably another archaic term)of their fancy. Oftimes(maybe I belong in a different century)the rewrites are done on the basis of appeasement for a special interest group. More often than not these days it is done for financial gain. I was recently informed by one publisher that if I really wanted to write something the public would "buy" I needed to be toatally controversial on something\anything. I submitted my thoughts and lo and behold the first one to bite the big one was about angels. People, it seems, do not wish to be told that angels are not cute little cherub people with wings, or beautiful women who dress in wisp thin apparel and do good deeds. I must assume, therefore, that people for the most part are not really interested in the truth, they want something that will titillate their fantasies and allow them to enter into a warm fuzzy relationship with their misconceptions. Whoosh! Is this truly the depth of modern intellect? Having now watched some TV after a 10 month hiatus from that form of entertainment, I discovered that not much has changed. Whatever it is people are trying to sell one another, it sells better with sexual overtones and subliminal messages designed to perk the excitable portions of modern minds. It really isn't such a modern idea. Hence(boy there are a lot of those old words)we have the statue\picture of the angel in a short skirt with naked breasts. This once more proves beyond a shodow of a doubt that if you dress it up right somebody will buy it. (Have you seen the HOG monthly with real life pigs dressed up in sexy costumes as a type of pin-up calender?) Well, there you have it! I've gone off on a tangent and wound up chasing smoke. Angels were guys. Big, scary, and very much the servants of our Creator God. They did get a little sidetracked with the beauty of human females for awhile(lust is no stranger to the dweller in heavenly realms)but we must reconcile that with God's forgiving nature and anticipate that all is well that ends well. Christmas is coming! For God's sake this year avoid supporting those foks that would sell you angels in the guise of hollywood. For that matter, avoid spending your money on any product that is hawked by means of sexual innuendo. Oops, that would mean foregoing purchases of most apparel, hygene products, and virtually everything else out there in the market place. There has to be another answer for tapping into the mindset of modern day America. I'll keep searching, and please let me know if you spot anything out there(exclude visions of Julia Roberts as an angel, please)! In Christ's Love, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Signs Of Continuing Faith

It's amazing what you see on a rainy day when you've got your head down to avoid the drops. I ended up parking at the wrong church on this particular day. 1st B is another block west, but it was raining and I was in a hurry. I parked the car under the first sign and as I stepped out I saw the second. I suppose that is when I realized my error. Jumping back in the car I sat looking at the second sign and realized that I had never seen one of these before. Probably sounds strange to some, but we can go through life thinking that we are "seeing" the signs around us and then, quite suddenly, discover that there is still more to see if we keep on looking.
I found it quite ironic to view the sign of the fish painted on the storm drain cover. I sat there listening to the rain tap on the roof of the car and pondered the sign of the fish. Symbolic for centuries as the "secret" logo that marked gathering places for christian believers. How thankful I am to be in a country in which we do not have to hide our faith. And then, as I thought, it came to me. Here I am in the 21st century living in America, a country founded by believers, that now seeks to irradicate any and all forms of public witness to God and His only Son, my Savior. We seek to legislate when, where and how the emblems of faith may be displayed, and forbid prayer in public places such as schools, while at the same time ordering the ancient sign of the fish to be painted on walkways. "Can it be," I thought, "that all across America cities are painting this symbol on their sidewalks and curbs?" What a blessing this is! If the time ever comes when we have to begin meeting in secret again we already have a system of markings for meeting places provided for us by the same government that would prevent us from displaying this sign in public places. Lol.........Ain't God great? Absolutely awesome! Do you think anybody else knows about this? Is it perhaps a "Christian Conspiracy?" Nope, it's just the way our country works. When a disaster strikes we see the cross everywhere. When we are in the midst of deleting God in one way, He just pops back up in other places. Ya just can't keep a good God down! In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Peace Is Found In Knowing For Certain That We Are Living According To God's Will And Doing The Very Best That We Can At It! Posted by Picasa

Time To Spare & Stuff On My Mind

This evening was the first in a few weeks that it seemed as though I might be getting close to ready for the coming winter. So much so that I took a few moments to let my creative side loose on the workbench for a few minutes. what I came up with is a toilet paper tree that allows a variety of users their choice of texture and comfort. It also provides space for "what to do" with that little bitty leftover roll that you hate to be wasteful and throw away. Constructed entirely from plexi round stock and quite well balanced, if I do say so myself, it affords the person making leisurely use of the facilities time to ponder their choices. For the decorator in each of us it gives another opportunity to express oneself in creative ways by mixing and matching the various prints and colors available. Top it all off with the "ever present" spare on top and it should be a winner in every department store. I'm certain you will be seeing something like this soon, if not already, at your favorite discount outlet or possibly even on the TV as a "special" buy one get one free offer. Just $9.95 plus applicable taxes, shipping & handling(of course)and it is yours. Nine color coordinated hues of bathroom background to choose from, including(for an additional $9.95)one that lights up and serves both as night light and dispenser extraordinaire!
Seriously, it was a wonderful break from the tasks that always seem to be at hand. Life is like that, busy with one sort of cleanup\fixup or another. It started as a joke for some of my E-friends, but now as I look across at it on the workbench I see real possibilities. That's what I think God sees in each of us, real possibilities! We are flawed, and quite often without any real purpose in life other than to live out our days eating, sleeping, and working. When the Master takes the time to wield the tools of His Spirit, though, some very amazing things begin to occur. I suppose the first thing that I noticed in my walk was less focus on me(inward)and more focus on others(outward). It can be an awakening from which there is no recovery, only complete, sweet surrender. I won't repeat the catch phrases here, you already know them. What I will add to tonight's creative side is an opportunity to be more each day than you were the previous day. You know where I'm headed with this, Christ! He is the one to take up the reins of our unruly lives and guide us down paths that will truly be a blessing in the lives of everyone around us, and ultimately, to ourselves as well. There I go on that selfish streak again. Have a wonderful day, and know that I am praying for you along with the rest of our world. God bless, Preacher.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Welcoming Guests And Celebrating Love!

I have to be quick this evening. The temperature in my new office is at a chilly 48 and I'm dressed as warm as I can be and still use my digits. Today was fantastic! God blessed me in so many ways that even the pain of driving a nail into my finger by accident seems to mean very little right now(can't feel the fingers much at low temps anyway). We had surprise visitors to our home. A surprise to me, anyway. Cheryl and I have talked about getting a dog for years now, and most of the time I was not quite ready and she was not really sure. Today that all ended when she invited a co-worker from Astoria, SD to bring over a five month old Great Pyrenees male pup. She said if I liked him I could have him as my B'day present from her. I nearly fell off the earth for a moment. I had to say no, because I really don't want a pup coming to live with me unless I get him just before weaning is completed. It's a thing I learned back when I was breeding Poms that has never proven to be wrong. They just seem to train better and become a more attached animal that way. The main thing was that she has agreed to have one! Now the question is all about finding the "right" one. Isn't the kid that came with the dog cute(unfortunate that he can't come with the pup or I might have reconsidered)! It seems like there is a hitch to almost everything. While I'm in this celebratory mood, though, I would like to share with you that there is a blessing that comes without a single hitch. That's the love offered you in Christ from our Creator God.
That comes with a bonus, too, the indwelling of God's Spirit to make all things in life more beautiful and fulfilling. I don't know when the last time was that I had a day so filled with true heartfelt emotion. I tried to share my feelings with my wife, but I don't think she really appreciates it when I get so sentimental that tears begin to show. She truly made this a day to remember. Many thanks to You tonight, my Lord, for providing me with the most wonderful gifts a heart could ever desire. Your love is more precious than gold or fine silver, right after that is the love You have revealed in the heart of my wife. God, I thank You and Cheryl for this day! In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Winter Comes

I decided to title this edition the same as my first novel. It seemed somehow appropriate this evening. I was relaxing before stepping into the shower today, coffee in hand, stereo pounding out a pleasant background, when the first white flakes began to fall. There went the plans for the day. Within thirty minutes as I watched in awe the flakes grew in size and frequency until the backyard looked somewhat like a TV with no station coming in. Wet, heavy snow covered everything rapidly and I had to turn my back and get in the shower grumbling about all that was left to do to really "be ready" for winter this year. Oh, nothing major, now, just lots and lots of little things that should have been done yesterday except I was busy doing other things that had to be done. The barn has electricity now, and the lines to the garden shed are run but unconnected. The outdoor kitchen is just like it was a week ago when last I made use of it. Lawn chairs have yet to be stowed away(cushions and stuff, too)and the list goes on and on. No sooner did I step from the shower than the phone began to ring. An emergency call from my wife informing me that if I didn't bring lunch for her and a friend they would starve today. Out through the storm in record time with grilled chicken chunks in a beautiful salad with two sandwiches to accompany the feast I made my way through town. Some folks have a hard time getting used to driving in the snow(two accidents lay between me and my goal)so I opted to drive the side streets. I must admit the snow was beautiful the way it came down. So many reminders of God's grace in the midst of the day as the flakes covered everything equally. Streets of pure slush and gutters awash as the snow tried but failed to stay snow, slowed progress. I made it right on time, though, to deliver lunch and avoid the untimely passing due to starvation of two lovely ladies. Choosing to stay off the main thourough fares I was back home safely about twenty minutes before my first appointment. That was how the entire day went. Just in time to take care of what needed to be done and no spare time to fool around except for the minutes I spent walking through the backyard picking up the few things that shouldn't be gotten wet and taking these quick pics. All in all I'm sitting here smiling over the whole mess. The sun came out, the snow is gone, and all that remains is to arrive for services in the morning and enjoy some time in God's house with the warmth of friends and fellowship to surround me. There will be time to finish the things that must be done, I remind myself. Winter comes, and with it a whole new way of living for the balance of the year and a good portion of next.
I suppose that my greatest thanks today are given for the advance warnings I had from far off friends of impending weather. Or should I say, I thank God for friends that care enough to let me know when things aren't looking good. If things aren't looking really good in your life why don't you stop on in to a church tomorrow and see if getting a little "good news" can make a difference in your life. I'll be at 1st Baptist here in Brookings, but there are branch offices all over and we all work for the same boss. Have a wonderful Sunday, and be ready for winter. After all, it's the best six months of the year here on the Great American Desert...Lol...God bless, Preacher.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Images In Time!

Cheryl, my wife, has friends and family that know that her favorite color is purple(hence the new "purple" garage doors behind which my Harleys reside)and that she enjoys all of the shades that accompany this paritcular title. One of those friends forwarded this picture without any description of where, what, or when. It could represent almost any season here on the Great American Desert except winter. A friend over in Wisconsin warned me last evening of approaching snow. Another in Montana says they've begun the season of hard frost and morning warmups on vehicles. Two days ago I had to scrape frost from the windshield of my car before I could go anywhere. All the varied reports and the picture brought a thought to mind concerning "seasons" in life.
Wednesday evening we were in attendance at a party that encompassed four very alive
generations. We ate, we laughed, we sang, we played, and we prayed. All of this is not surprising to me. What I note tonight, though, is that with all the seasons of life represented there were no tell-tale delineations separating the youngest at 2 from the oldest at ?, all mothers and daughters. It was almost as though the ancestry in play extended for each to the encompassing reality of differences that are only present in the mind of those who are onlookers. I learned a new thing! When we are in the midst of our lives we cease to take note of the other lives around us. It is only in stepping away from ourselves that we can really see the truth and beauty of life's seasons as they emerge. I can remember being 2 when I look through the eyes of a little one, as clearly as I can remember being the age I am today. That holds true for the other ages represented at the gathering. No matter what the age, once you have experienced those years they are always a part of you. Today I would say that one of life's greatest joys is to be in the midst of intergenerational gatherings where people, regardless of age, are free to be who they are and share that "self" with others. The very young pray with the reverence that they see in those who surround them, and thus it will become a part of them as they grow. That reverence for things of the spirit may seem slight at the moment, but they are never forgotten. God speaks as boldly through the thoughts and actions of the young as He does through the words and deeds of those who are more mature. It is an attitude that separates the joyful, playful and prayerful from those who are not. The color purple in my ecumenical faith perspective is indicative of royalty. What a beautiful way for us to celebrate the seasons of life when we share our love of God in every way possible, just as God does with us throughout nature and more. The wonder of the winter lies ahead with the promise of spring's splendor to once more bring purple back to life. God bless, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Garden Shed Project!

It is 99% done. I'm tired. God did a whole lot more in the same amount of time, and then rested. This is good! God bless, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Keys In Life!

The garden shed is 99% complete! I'll blog that one this week after the mess is put away and the tools are cleaned up, back in their racks. Tonight I felt like just sharing thoughts about my life.
The wood plaque\frame is a little project I came up with for Cheryl and I to share. It fills many needs and also makes an excellent example as a backdrop for life. The little rectangles(I carefully cut cardboard to fit each opening so that trimming photos to fit would be really easy)are going to be holding pictures of the "new" babies in our lives. We're still dickering over what age will be the limit for being posted here. I think we'll agree on newborn to age two only. That way nobody will be on that piece of wall for a long time. Cutting the cardboard I thought about how I do the same thing with every part of my life that is under our roof. Every section overlaps the others some, but they are each separate compartments of living that are a part of who I am. The big heading at the top indicates my personal priority in that God comes first! Down where it says "keys" is almost a joke. If we totaled up the time spent looking for keys in our house on a yearly basis it would probably equal the number of hours in a week, 168! It isn't that there aren't specific places for keys to be found, there are. There's one in the shape of a grand piano near the dining room door. There's another on the back of the side door to my office. There's a "key" clock cabinet in the kitchen(all we use that one for is padlocks and keys that fit them). Then there are the hooks for vehicle keys to hang above the workbench in my cave. All in all it doesn't take more than 30 seconds to check where the keys should be when they aren't present. Most often, though, they will be found laying somewhere that they don't belong. Keeping things in their proper places has never been a strong suit of mine. I thought when I got married that problem would be solved...Lol! We're getting better at organizing as we grow older. We had to, it was either that or submit to having many pieces and parts of our lives eternally missing. It wasn't by chance that I shot the photo on the grand. Music is a big part of both of us, and maintaining the harmony in our lives is not easy. Perhaps that is why we both turn often to God in prayer to aid us in working out the harmony that can quickly get lost in the mixing of our spaces. I do wish at times that life was as black and white as the keys on the grand and that everything would fall into order as rapidly in the world as it does in the studio(I haven't been there in a week and I sorely miss it)when we're putting songs together. Once again I refer back to that first priority, God. It seems that no matter what gets to happening in my little spaces, if I'm actively seeking guidance from my Creator everything fits together better and there are fewer parts getting lost along the way. Today's work on the garden shed required the use of several different saws(I think I have about 26 of them 1\3 powered)so several times during the course of the day I had to reorganize them and switch blades and settings. It's a tedious task, but necessary, and one that I put to double use for the purpose of prayer while the fingers on my hands are doing their jobs. I also give thanks for those hands and fingers while I'm at it, and for the abilities God has granted me to use them. They are battered, cut, bruised and abrased by the week's work. Healing will come in time now that the splinters are out. Such is life! It seems that no matter what we're about, if we take the time to be in communion with God everything goes better. I can't wait to see the baby pics up in the foyer! Who knows, maybe some of the keys to our lives will not be so easily lost if we get our priorities straight! God bless, Preacher.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Seeing Life's Many Blessings

Sometimes all it takes is one simple flower to remind each of us what a beautiful world we live in. My thanks to Steve tonight for taking the pic, and to uncle Lou for forwarding it on to me. It made my day! I've been getting alot of photos of flowers lately, and real ones, also! My wife, Cheryl, does that once in awhile just to remind me of her love. I wonder if I've ever told her how much the flowers also remind me of the author of such beauty, God. Maybe I'll wait until the new garden shed is finished and surprise her in some "flowery" little way of how much I love her, too! Life goes full circle for each of us I was reminded this evening. Today I give thanks for friends who hear me when I have needs that call them above and beyond the sense of duty. I give thanks for family and the many ways that they bless me every day, and for the newest addition to the family, another bloom that has just arrived on the tree of our mutually shared heritage. We ran into our niece(you may have seen the pics of her a few months ago when I blogged her shower)at Walmart today while picking up more paint for the barn. Usually I don't attend "Walmart" sprees(everytime we walk in the door together another contribution is made to the growing success of a company that my vote is still 'out' on), today I needed to get some blades for a special saw so there I was. Camera ever handy on the belt bag I snapped these really quick. Blessings, they come in such a wide variety every day if we have the time to see them. Being in the "right" place at the "right" time helps(I hope Cheryl doesn't mind me putting her out here, she doesn't know how beautiful she is when she is cradling a baby), but we also have to be prepared to have our lives blessed. Maybe that is something I used to miss out on. I wasn't willing to take the time to truly allow myself to be blessed in so many ways. My prayer tonight is that each of us takes the time to let God come into our lives in all possible ways with showers of blessings we truly see with our eyes, and our hearts! In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Dakota Blizzards

I received the picture you see above 9 days ago. I think it was supposed to have happened on the 5th. I'm not sure because I don't watch the local news, or the national news for that matter, on television. TV and I have had a parting of the ways due to the addictive nature of my personality. You see, I've learned that if I really enjoy doing something it is okay to be doing it but it must be justified in my mind as being somehow profitable(and I don't mean money). We got the new satellite dish installed on the north east corner of the roof about 6 weeks ago. Prior to that we had been without incoming television signals of any kind since January 1st. The first few weeks were strange, but after that I got more and more used to the time I had available to do other things. I realize there is a lot to be said for the entertainment value found in television as compared to other forms of passing time, but as of right now you'd have to say those things to someone else. The first television in our house came through the door in '53 and life was never quite the same after that. As a child I grew to love "Howdy Doody" and "Pinky Lee." Through the growing years and the advancements of technology I watched in awe the exploration of our solar system, and the first walk on the moon. One might say that it took me a total of 50 years to become disenchanted with the TV. My downfall probably came as a result of the SciFi channel and the History channel. How's that for a mixed bag? Now I just distance myself from the tube in an effort to better my life. I'm addicted to books, too, but they aren't as demanding as television. The movies are interesting when advertised, but there is something lacking in them, too. Maybe it's because they aren't "real," but then I don't think golf is real anymore, either. Perhaps this winter when the snows settle in I'll find some time for enjoying the occasional movie with my honey on the love seat, but as for now, I've broken a habit and I'm avoiding getting hooked again like the proverbial plague. And another thing, my Bible gets used a lot more now than it did a year ago. Could that have something to do with the TV? God bless, Preacher.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Saga Of The Simple Garden Shed!


It began a few years ago as an idea for which I started accumulating the various parts and pieces to bring to fruition. The final touch came this past spring when they did city wide cleanup day. Someone threw out a huge solid wood door buried in multiple coats of paint, the last being purple. I now had everything necessary to make my wife's dream come true! A place where she could compel seeds to explode from the dirt inside small plastic and clay pots in relative comfort and peace. The plan has now been altered several times and the final rendition is standing behind the barn, lacking, of course, the scene you see above. Now if I can just locate that place and get some measurements plus a few more supplies.
In addition to pounding the streets seeking lost souls today I had an opportunity to converse with families that have some very real needs. Basic things like an end table are needed to make life more livable. How far we remove ourselves from the needs of others in our lives when we pursue our own dreams and goals is directly proportionate to how wide our eyes are open to the folks around us. Quickly we respond when disaster strikes somewhere in our country, and the outpourings never seem to be enough, but we keep trying. Jesus spoke to us and informed us that the "poor will always be with us," that has never changed. What I'm suggesting tonight is that each one of us look around in our own "backyards" for those who are in need and find new ways to help others. Here on the Great American Desert we are facing a harsh reality of winter that will be upon us soon. Heating costs are going to eat people alive! Resources are going to be stretched to the max, and there is no end in sight. South Dakota is already well over budget for heat assistance to those who qualify. More government aid is being requested and will probably be gotten. There are other answers! Let us open wide our eyes each day and see those in our midst who are in need and find a way to do a "thing." Jesus spoke with Peter and told him to "feed His sheep." This can be taken a lot of ways, but for this moment let's consider feeding a family one night this week. Pizza Hut, my favorite, the Pizza Ranch, Burger King or MacDonalds(you'd really be surprised at how many folks never eat any kind of takeout because it is just not in their budget. I'm running with a thought and asking you to enter into it with me. Consider dropping off a value meal to a shutin. Invite someone to your home or out to dine. They may be suspicious of your motives, but what the hey, if they're well fed they'll forgive you, I'm sure. We live in a city(burg)of 20,000 here in Brookings, SD. There is enough food thrown away because it can't be sold each day to feed hundreds. It must be the same everywhere! Maybe there is nothing you think you can do, or maybe you believe you've already done your part. We haven't, though! In the greatest nation on earth if any child goes to bed hungry you and I are at fault and we need to challenge ourselves to make a difference in someone's life. This is a big ball, but if we get it rolling others will help us keep it rolling. I'll get the garden shed done this week, and it will never resemble that picture, but there are pictures we can conjure up in our minds that are attainable. An elderly person's thankful smile for that truly "Happy Meal," or how about watching a kid just go nuts enjoying a sundae. Yeah, there is something every one of us can do. The rewards will far outweigh the cost. Here I go, idealizing again, but maybe, just maybe if we put all the pieces together in the right way everyone's lives will be better for it tomorrow. God bless, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Photo Addendum

This one was deserving of a better post pic production. Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Frog Infestation!

I've made some really big mistakes in my life! One of them was mentioning to members of my extended family my interest in frogs. I showed them the two that have been with me for years, one life size originally painted to look just like a frog(Gift from g'ma when I was about 6), and one that is just a huge frog shaped cast iron piece that legend has it was once a cannon ball during the Civil War. The operative word was "cast iron," and I looked for them wherever I traveled and found very few made of this not so precious metal. One sister in law found a procelain frog which I accepted at Christmas time amidst great smiles and laughter, silly me! It caught on and the resulting deluge of frogs through the past ten years is more than sufficient for turning even the hardest of Pharao's hearts. (I don't think the Egyption's would appreciate my spelling, but you know who I mean.)The collage I snapped tonight is just the tip of the iceburg which extends to all points of our home. There are crystal frogs, glass frogs(hard to tell the difference but the little sticker is a dead giveaway), rock frogs, plastic and rubber, clay and some sort of new space age material. The outdoor ones look heavy, but they're not. The tiny Sterling one that is made for a charm bracelet, but I've not used as yet(maybe a frog earring). There's one guitar playing frog, and another on the piano. A virtual choir of singing frogs, and the squeeze doggie type toy frog. Then we come to the stuffed frogs. Kermit is present, without a doubt, along with a host of other frog friends. Several years ago while touring on the big Harley my wife and I had a Harley Bear stolen from the top of our touring trunk. I replaced it with a touring frog dressed like a biker. Wouldn't you know it, nobody wanted a "biker frog." He's back in my cave now resting on a saddlebag. There are times I wish I were a frog, then the kiss of some maiden could turn me into a prince and we'd all live happily ever after. Pardon those last shots with the digital, they were an afterthought and I just ran through the house quick and took them without touching up the pics. I see I got the one with clowns in the hall bath sideways. Oh well, such is life! Where I'm going with this is about prayer. When I told people about my frog collection(all two of them)I mentioned "cast iron," but not loudly enough to be interpreted correctly. Prayer is like that for us. There are times we pray so generally that when we're through we aren't even sure if we prayed for anything specific. God calls us in our faith to specify what it is we need from Him. You've probably heard, "be careful what you pray for." And another one, "God answers prayer but not always the way we expect." I would submit to the prayer warriors out there that praying is a serious task(you already know this or you would not be warriors), and one that when entered into fully will bring you to sweats, tears, and vocalization of intonation that some have referred to as the "deep groanings" of the spirit. Add to this the gentle "breath prayer," a phrase coined by Richard Foster author of the 'Celebration of'(fill in the blank)books, and you have a force that is going to make a difference in every day. Prayer has certainly been my guide through this day, and will continue on into the next! Ever heard the saying, "pray up a storm?" I wonder if they included frogs in that one? In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What You See Is Not Always What You Get!

I've been having fun with the little phone-sized camera. It does some interesting things besides being a camera, but the one thing I really like about it is that it is always right there on my belt bag. I think of my belt bag as an extension of me much in the same manner that a "medicine pouch" was utilized by indians long ago. Some of us still carry the pouch, but it contains modern day magic. My "pocket cam," as I have dubbed it inside the computers, is a multi-purpose tool for digital recording. It does photos, video, mp3, voice messages(mostly for me, it beats carrying around a note pad and does the melodies of inspiration at a moment's notice)and to top it off it's a web cam(I have yet to explore that function). Lately I've been giving it a shot at low light situations. Since it is the season of Halloween decor there are some outdoor pics in the above collage taken in "next-to-no" light circumstances and some evening shots at the lake. Oh, and there is one taken through a store window of a piece of artwork. That image you see behind the image is me taking the photo. All in all the testing is going well, and I'm learning what the wee beast can do. The most important thing I've picked up thus far is that no matter what the light one must hold very, very still while taking the photo. Hence, tonight's title. Our eyes are often misleading, as can be our hearts. Getting into the mode of making sure of whatever it is that happens to be in your immediate focus is as important as holding still for the shot. The world has always been a veritable oyster for those who would perpetrate deception on unsuspecting travelers. In our journey toward a better grasp of God in our lives we can be caught up in the latest craze, and unknowingly led far afield from the true destination we seek. Lately, it seems, I have been running into many people searching for the "right" way to get in tune with God in their lives. They come looking for a quick answer that will reveal the treasure for which they hunger. My Savior often encountered folks like this during the course of His ministry. More often than not the people didn't care too much for the answers He provided to their questions. Today they still don't care too much for those answers, but they are the same as they were 2000 years ago, and long before that, as well! Truth will always stand to the test of time. Deceptions will come and go, fading one after another into memory as we go about our lives searching. And therein is the answer to Alice's question. In "Through The Looking Glass" Alice asked the rabbit which way she should go. The wise rabbit asked her where she wanted to go(or something to that effect), to which Alice replied that she didn't know. The rabbit then told her(I just love this), "Then it really doesn't matter which way you go, does it?" But it does matter, and you and I are on the path of life making this incredible journey and we "want" to know what is at the end. I believe I already know, and you, also, can live in this assurance of what the end of one brief journey has in store for you. It's all there, in the Bible, just as it has always been. Watch the signs carefully, and look for the one true light that can be trusted to never guide you in the wrong direction. Christ is that light! It is to His light that I bear witness. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Water Was Warm, The Air Crisp, And The Fellowship In The Spirit Amazed Me! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bringing Bits And Pieces Together

This is how our backyard looked late this Sunday afternoon. You see, I've been gathering up bits and pieces from everywhere in anticipation of the construction of a garden shed for my wife. I was going to get started last spring, but there was always something else that needed to be done. Cheryl, my wife, snapped these pictures so we wouldn't forget how it looks when a project is under way. I know, it faintly resembles the scenes you've been watching on the news from down south. Disaster, natural or manmade has the same appearance. We were called away early this evening or I might have finished the south wall(might is an operative term, and one to be taken very lightly when it comes to the time I make available for "personal" projects)had there not been a phone call requesting both of us for an unknown emrgency. Everything was okay, that's the good news. In the backyard everything is about the way you see it in the picture. The door does swing on it's hinges, and that is a plus. I have this thing about doors and windows, when they look just fine to me they don't work quite the way they were intended. Oh, they open and close very well, depending on how you hold your mouth and utter the magic words. Sometimes I think God has this enormous sense of humor as we go about the tasks of working our little piece of the anthill. If you happened to read the previous entry on my blog you would enjoy knowing that the alarm failed this morning and I was walking into the church at 10:25. Just in the nick of time! Another person I spoke with today got there around 11 and didn't come in because she realized she was running late and didn't want to; well you know. Did everyone have a day like that or just this corner of the world? All in all I must admit the day has been good. Sitting here tonight I would also admit that it wasn't what I expected, and that too is good! I'll see if I can get it all together tomorrow and make the pieces of the disaster come together in a shape more befitting a "garden shed" for the wife. I envision a place of quiet repose where she can pot plants and look out the window at the things she is creating with God's help(I could use some of that when it comes to building). Happy Sunday, and I pray your week coming up is a joy in every way! God bless, Preacher.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Expecting Someone?

This is by far one of the cutest pics I've run across in ages! It says so much about how we live our lives. The picture(this is for me, I have no clue what others may see)shows anticipation, homecoming, curiosity, wonder, and companionship in the shared observance. I've raised a lot of dogs. In the files of pictures I have of them some come close to this(for me some are better but in a different light and not black and white)element of surprise I felt and then after studying it I saw more. Tomorrow is Sunday! Some of us wait patiently for the hour of worship to arrive. Others will bustle about preparing for the journey to "church" amidst a mixture of emotions. There was a time in my preaching career where everything on Sunday morning was about me, and my wife had to get the children(five at that time)all ready to go. We were on separate schedules. These days there are no little ones around except for the occasional grand and they're usually ready before I am. I try to get to the church at least half an hour before it begins, but most Sundays I don't get there until 10 after 10. That seems to be the appointed time no matter how I try to change it. Maybe that is just God's time and I'm more or less flowing within it's confines.
Would it not be great if we could have the anticipation that these two have looking out the window when we get to our place in the morning's worship? Perhaps it's been awhile and you're not entirely comfortable. Perhpas the kids were not cooperating as they should and you came close to calling off the morning sojourn to the services. It really makes no difference what your reason for not attending on Sunday might be, the truth is if we aren't there we aren't able to share in the mystery of faith that our hearts long for so deeply. It could be just another day in your life, or it could mark the beginning of a beautiful relationship that we all truly need. I think of the child's companion at the window watching, waiting, or just plain curious. I wonder which of those will be my emotional bent in the morning. I look forward to being in the midst of the Body of Christ as everyone prepares their own hearts for the time spent of offering ourselves to God, receiving His sustaining Word, and seeing the expressions on the faces of folks I know so well as the hour unfolds. In faith we worship each day the living Savior! Sunday is an opportunity to share it with friends and family. I pray your Sunday is a "good one!" In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Friday, October 07, 2005

It's Good To Feel The Sunshine

I love to photograph old barns! It must have something to do with growing up around the farm and learning to love the old buildings which were a wonder to explore. Each one was filled with secrets, and all of them were new to me. Some of them smelled really bad, and others smelled of the "life" that one encounters everywhere in an agriculturally based environment. The barn I chose to show with these notes is not one that I have photographed(I borrowed this from an unknown photo buff somewhere "out there" on the net months ago)but it is one with which I can strongly identify. During the "barnsiding" craze of a few decades ago many buildings with this general appearance were torn down and sold off to folks who wanted the rich, downhome look for their homes. Of course it was only utilized after being subjected to the most rigorous of procedures to remove any and all vestiges of scent that might linger and betray the wood's origin. The old milking barn was my favorite place to explore. By the time I arrived on the scene it was no longer used for it's intended purpose, it had become a "birthing barn" and a home to the many cats that seemed to proliferate around the place. It was the permanent shelter for the small herd of sheep we had, and a roosting place for many wayward chickens that had given up the comfort of the coop for a more "wild" way of life(we still found their eggs)but, most importantly, it was the place of choice for birthing. Calves, pups, chicks, lambs, kittens, and the occasional foal were all in the habit of bringing their young into the world beneath the sagging lofts amidst the stone walls that enclosed the lower portion of the barn. It was there that we watched in awe the miracle of new life happening before our eyes. Perhaps one of the first great lessons in life was taught by those moments when we would gather around and watch an animal give birth. None of them were ever thought of in any light that would not give voice to God's "gifts" to each of us. I know some of the kittens didn't just wander off, it took me until I was about 12 to figure that one out. By then they were of less concern, and I dutifully promised not to share that particular piece of knowledge with younger cousins because it would have devestated Sherry or Marie to think of our beloved "gramps" bagging them up on his way to the creek. It was a great life! Later on each one of us had to make decisions along those lines, but it was far more personal. For most of us(thankfully)that was before the age of debate over the "right to life" and "right to choose." Interestingly enough, most of the young women I know today, the ones in their late teens and early twenties are "pro life" women to the core. Maybe that's because their mothers were too! When it comes to the poitics of choice, I find it heartening that there are fewer and fewer voters out there voting against life. Maybe those other children were never raised to voice an opinion. Just thinking about that old barn tonight, and wondering if it is still standing. God bless, Preacher. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Spirit As An Unruly Beast

Turmoil in our lives can be the result of a variety of influences! Tonight my spirit was torn between anger and sadness. It's a very personal thing, and one that may be of value if shared. The anger in and of itself is of no benefit to anyone, but from the perspective of sadness you may hear my thoughts and find comfort at some point in your life when you are forced to wrestle with your spirit. I have a son serving in the army. I am very proud of him for his service to our country. I love him very deeply, and yet, on December 12, 1999, following the deaths of my parents(dad on July 1st - mom on August 1st)he chose to disown me and be adopted by his stepfather. At the time he was 21 years of age and nothing I could do or say would disuade him. He chose a course of action in conjunction with his mother and her husband Ken,(the stepfather who was chosen as "father" for my son,is now dead as the result of a heartattack)to go through the court proceedings and was "legally adopted" thus taking on a new last name, and a new persona(can you do this just by changing your last name). Tonight I found myself in the midst of continuing to clean up the affairs of my parents. If you wonder why it has taken so long it is because '99 was a not so good year and it took me 'til '04 to really dig into the task of cleanup. What is left are the personal belongings that must be gone through(when I say 'must' it is a choice, and one that my conscience would not permit me to do otherwise)and sorted. At the center of my wrestling tonight were the bank books which I had not previously examined. My father was a kind and generous man, a good man, and a firm believer in God and His only Son, our living Savior, Christ. Dad started saving for my son's education when he was born in '78. In '83 he had set aside $10,386.63, according to the books. He continued this until my son graduated from high school at which point my father and I both encouraged the young man to "get an education." What followed were years of my son taking advantage of his family, spending the college fund without ever so much as passing a test, and then continuing to live as though there were no need to succeed in life. I pray today that he has matured in the military. I pray daily for his safety in Iraq. I pray for his children and his wife. My wife and I are not allowed to see the children from his marriage, but we do have a blessing in our 4 year old grand daughter, she is so cool, and her mom seems to like both of us. This is the daughter that my son has no time for, either. So you see, there are times when the spirit must be wrestled. I look for peace, and pray for a time when I will fully understand the "why" of how this all came about. I know that there is little that I can do to change the circumstances. What I do is "Press On" in faith and trust that in God's time my spirit will return to the calm place that helps me get along the best. When we are hurt there are two directions our hearts can go. One is as unfruitful as the other. Be it sadness or anger, if we allow these emotions to control us we have ceased to be at peace with the life we live. Tonight, as with every night I seek the peace that comes from faith in my Savior and the healing power that is found in God. Life is never "easy" but we can learn to not let it be as hard as we might make it. Let God be God, and someday, I submit, we will see very clearly the purpose which now evades our comprehension. God bless, Preacher.

Inspiration Is Everywhere For Those Who Seek It!

I had to share more of Jean's pics with you tonight. Her eye for the "right" shot is truly a blessing.

Having A Sense Of Humor

There is a time and place for everything! It's good to know that even in the worst of circumstances some folks out there can find some small portion of life in which there is a gleam of mirth. Katrina's devestation has planted a mission team deep within the area marked as "disaster." The house they have established as home base had to be completely shoveled out. It was filled with mud and debris! Sleeping in outdoor gear and cooking over open fires, men and women in ministry to their fellow human beings are now working overtime hours helping wherever they are needed. As time becomes available in schedules new folks arrive and others leave to return to the reality of homes safe from the devestation that they have witnessed first hand. The stories are emerging across the nation as these weary travelers return home, back to their jobs, and as one man put it so succinctly, "Back to a world that is not so real!" The most devestating effect a cataclysmic event such as a hurricane has on people is the spiritual, mental, and emotional shock that they go through. Humor is a way of combating the horror, the fatigue, and the loss. One writer mentioned rescuing a cat that looked more like a rat and had little life left in it. His description of the rescue left me with a smile on my face and a note of hope for all of those who have gone through, and continue to go through the horrendous task of putting everything back together. It will never be the same, and maybe that is a good thing. Perhpas it will be better, and that would be good as well. The best thing, however, is knowing that no matter how large or small the impact on lives, in response to the adversities encountered in life we have individuals who will stand up, step forth, and pitch in to make things better. Where our mission teams go they take faith and wrap it up in smiles filled with the warmth and love that our God has given us to share. This is "not" a plug for you to pull something out of your pocket to help, it's a request for your prayers. Send them out tonight, tomorrow, or often throughout the day. We have a whole lot of peoople who are in need, and the best thing we can offer is a spiritual boost to their moral as weeks turn into months, and the months, inevitably, turn into years, as a portion of our nation recovers from nature's insistence on it's own way. We will recover, and we will be better for having done just that! In the midst of it all let us give thanks that it was no worse than it was, and move forward in faith. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Pictures not seen on the news! This is out even beyond the suburbs!

The lower right hand corner is the "mission" headquarters right now. The other pictures are from Katrina's wake of destruction. Except for the riverboat the rest of the Pics were shot within half a mile of the mission HQ. Preacher.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The "Greatest" Pumpkins Of All!

God finds you in the patch amidst all the others, lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He carefully opens you up, touches deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff--including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, and overall bad behaviors(with me, as in most of us, the work is never finished). Then He carves a new smiling face on us and puts His light inside of us for all the world to see!
The picture/depiction came to me this evening(many thanks to Char)in the form of an Autumn greeting. You probably know by now that I really liked it. A wonderful way to fly in the face of a holiday that for some has become a celebration of evil in our world(as if the day to day news casts weren't enough to remind us)!!! Yes, the time of ghosts and goblins approaches. Yes, there will be parties galore and revelry that may outdo last year. I give pause, though, for just a moment, with a smile playing closely about my lips, as I remember the celebrations of "All Hallows Eve" we shared in seminary. Quite another holiday entirely, and predates our modern day Halloween by hundreds of years. I pray you take the "pumpkin story" and share it with others. It's a good one, and one that I can't wait to share with the grand kids.
Now I come to the photo below. This one says a world of things in imagery that we all need in our lives. We all need that one who will walk with us closely through the many seasons of our lives. Not everyone finds that partner. In Christ we have that never failing love that will accompany us every step of the way, good times or bad, happy or sad, as the song goes; He will be there! Maybe you've been waiting in the patch awhile for someone to pick you up and go to work on the new creation you can be. No need to wait, you can simply ask and He will begin. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

The photo is courtesy of Jean. I found the work and many more on Webshots last evening. This one speaks volumes to me in relation to the walk I have with my Lord. Many thanks to your expertise with the lens, Jean. God bless, Preacher.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen

I tried to get this out last night, and that would have happened if not for the communications setup being worked on over the weekend. I'm still so new to using the 'puter that everytime something doesn't work the way it has in the past I figure it is my fault. Guess what? I have now learned after a year of using this new tool of the modern world that other people can make mistakes, too! This little "portabeast," (my new term for the 'puter in a briefcase, sort of like a "porta potty, only this little ditty can dump on you instead of you using it) is not without flaws, and it can be somebody else that is messing with things somewhere. I guess things are back to normal, I'm running way far afield of my intended purpose this evening.
Jackie Bird! Extraordinary lady with whom I work from time to time is ready to begin doing tracks in the studio again. Jackie has performed across the nation and across the seas, and presented here in the US for the President in the White House. I never asked her which one of them she had the honor of performing for, or even if it was only one. We don't get around to talking too much about the things we've done, we tend to focus much more strongly on the things that we want to do in writing, creating, and performance. She is a people person with a heart as big as Alaska with a spirit to match. If you haven't had the opportunity to hear her you might consider picking up one of her CDs for a listen. Jackie is an energetic, exciting, and extremely talented young lady. For instance: When she is working the traps her command of the band is such that she lays down a solid rhythm that pulls together players from an extremely wide variety of stylistic approaches. Jamming with the best she is still "out front" even when she's in the back. First, though, is her vocalizatons of original works given her by God, as she puts it. Her voice conveys an essence of the spirit-filled person that she is, sending out the messages she writes so well with a depth of feeling that one has to hear to comprehend. Whether she is sitting on the floor in the studio strumming her guitar or working the center of a huge stage under glaring lights her presence doesn't change, though. The same person shines through no matter what the occasion. Jackie's daughters, sons, and her grand daughter share the spotlight with her on occasion. Each one multi-talented, and raised in the tight family tradition that balances performance and personalities with an expertise often lacking in our modern world of "stars." I'm looking forward to our next session. The last one had us working with Jared from Australia doing new "stuff" that will be on the upcoming CD. He wandered through our Great American Desert while touring the US following his introduction at the World Day of Prayer in NYC. (Looking forward to seeing you again one of these days, Jared) Jackie brings her talents and gifts to the stage in service to people everywhere, and has what she calls, "an old spirit," but there is nothing old about how she does what she does! Her combination of faith and family, past and present, and the here and now are a welcome addition to my personal experience in the world of live entertainment. God truly blesses us each day with the time to bring talents and gifts to bear for His glory in this, our earthly existence. Thanks, Jackie, for your heart, your songs, and the spirit you bring to every session. In Christ's Love, Preacher.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Scholastically Speaking

So it seemed to work and I thought I'd have just a little fun. Read at your leisure and ponder at your convenience what these say about the "system" under which we are living. Maybe, just maybe, we need a little more faith in our school boards, and the decisions they are trying to make to keep dissenters happy. "You can make some people happy all of the time. You can make all of the people happy some of the time. You can't make everybody happy all the time!" It simply isn't in our nature as human beings to accomplish that feat! God bless, Preacher. Posted by Picasa