Sunday, April 10, 2005

An Intro

I guess at this point we're learning together. Me about how all of this works, and you about how slow I am to catch on. I have an idea. Isn't that a great start? Now I have to use the tools available to make it happen. Learning to use the tools can sometimes prove to be a 'stretch' for me. I started using a computer on 10-10-04. My IBM, faithful for over thirty years had deveoped more problems than I could resolve. The one person I knew personally that worked on them had passed away in '87. I needed a replacement. My wife used a computer for work at her store and suggested that I try something new. I'm certain she regrets that suggestion now! I have delved far and deep into this wonderful new world my children have been telling me about for years. My eldest grandson, 15, and I can now speak many of the same tongues. Just getting a handle on another language(I read and write in several)was not a problem. I only ran into problems when I moved into the various applications and how they operated within the guidelines established by the creators. It seems I have done many "Illegal things" according to my machines. I know for certain that I have never broken a law to the best of my knowledge, but obviously I have made some grievous errors. There is a higher power that forgives. Now if I only knew which office they occupied at MicroSoft HQ I would be in good shape indeed!! I pray you find enjoyment in watching this come together on a wing and a prayer. If you would like to comment, feel free to do so. God bless, Preacher.

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