Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Witnessing The Handiwork Of God In Strange Places!

I usually write about something that is of interest to me without giving too much thought to how my perspectives may impact someone else. There is a situation, event, or series of circumstances that I have gone through at some time, preceded by a picture that provides a visual impact, and a series of thoughts designed to "draw" the reader toward a goal that is then summed up in the final picture. That's what I think I am doing with this blog. You may have other thoughts, concerning my motivations or intent, but believe me, "I'm as 'unconscious' as the next guy when it comes to ulterior motives." I pray I gave those up along with my need for acne remedies. Tonight(and today for that matter)I've been thinking about how I go about my life. The seeking I do to find places to get away from everything, and why no matter how far I go there is still the need to share a vision of faith with another person for whom things aren't going as well as they might like. Quite often these journies away are spent on two wheels this time of year, and irregardless of the distance, I find that I am still in the midst of attempting to do my best to be a good witness on behalf of the Savior I serve. Today was no different! I got so far away that I couldn't remember for awhile what day or time it was(if I could just put this in a tablet someone would make a legal fortune), but there it came, right through the open door of opportunity, a chance to make someone's day more livable. There I was, off fishing in the wilderness with my favorite rod at(the laundromat, grocery store, car wash, restaurant, internet, etc.)that river we call life, when a very real storm came up in someone's life and their need to be heard was more important than anything in the world. Sometimes it isn't the "most" important thing in the world, but we can't know that until we listen to what it is! This was an earth shaker, and may take weeks, even months for resolution, but that is not the object of this quest. I desire to let others know that they, also, can be the ears that God has lent to another if only for the ability to be a "good" listener for a moment. We all need to be "heard" sometimes. The weight that others place on our sharing may not be as intense as it is for those of us with the desire to express feelings and emotions, but that does not lessen their need to get them out. Do you ever want to just go fishing? In Christ's Love, Preacher.

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